↱ 𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓;𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖊

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"Mommy," Eddie whimpered as Sonia tried to put Eddie down to bed the first night back in their house after Frank's death. Sonia had tried to keep Eddie at arms-length throughout Frank's last days, leaving him with the Wheelers for the better part of two weeks despite Karen's insistence that she was willing to bring Eddie to visit his dad in the hospital. Sonia had outright refused to let Eddie visit the hospital and instead hadn't seen her son until he arrived at the funeral with the Wheeler family, clutching Richie's hand in his little black suit.

"Yes, Eddie bear?" Sonia asked, face swollen from the near constant tears she had been crying for the last few days.

"Want Richie," Eddie whimpered, eyes glistening as he clutched Ruffy to his chest. Richie had insisted Eddie hold on to him because Ruffy was really good at making people feel less sad.

"Richie's at his house right now, Eddie," Sonia sighed, emotionally and physically exhausted from the funeral.

"Please," Eddie whined. "I wanna see him, please!"

"Eddie, no, it's time for bed," Sonia responded firmly, standing to leave the room.

"Richie!" Eddie howled, holding the stuffed dog to his chest as he began kicking his legs in a temper tantrum. "I want Richie! Richie! Wanna see Richie!"

"Edward Kaspbrak, that's enough! It's time for bed, goodnight!" Sonia shrilled, leaving the room with tears in her eyes as she listened to Eddie wail for Richie, wishing Frank was here to tell her what to do.

"Richie!" Eddie continued to whimper, tears dripping down into Ruffy's fur. "I want Richie!"

Pushing himself up and out of bed, Eddie decided he would have to get to Richie on his own, pulling the door to his room open cautiously before peeking out into the hall in search of his mother. Eddie crept through the hallway, hiccupping and hugging Ruffy tightly before descending the stairs and making his way to the kitchen where the phone was.

Sniffling against the snot running down his face, Eddie set Ruffy on the table above him before grabbing a kitchen chair and dragging it towards the phone so he could climb up and dial the Wheelers house.

"Hello?" came Karen's polite greeting after Eddie had expertly dialed the Wheelers' landline. "Hello?"

"Richie?" Eddie whimpered, sniffling loudly.


"Richie," Eddie whined again, choking on a sob.

" Eddie, what are you doing on the phone so late? Where ' s your mommy? "

"Want Richie! Want Richie! Please! Want Richie!" Eddie began to chant, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"It's late sweetheart," Karen sighed, trying to decide the best course of action. While it was nearly ten o'clock at night and Richie had been asleep for two hours now, the grieving child on the other end of the line was clearly in desperate need of comfort at the moment.

"Please," Eddie whimpered, mouth pressed tightly against the phone.

"We'll be there in ten minutes, alright sweetheart," Karen sighed, eyes squeezed shut and already regretting the decision, knowing Sonia would be furious.

Eddie sat huddled against the front door, Ruffy cradled between his chest and folded knees, as he waited for Richie. His Richie.

The doorbell rang, startling the crying boy and making him cry harder as he pushed himself up to open the door, going against all of Sonia's rules.

"Eddie Spaghetti," Richie gasped, letting go of his mother's hand and jumping forward to hug Eddie tightly.

Karen watched as Eddie sobbed into Richie's neck as they held each other tightly.

"Edward Kaspbrak! What is going on?!"


"What are you doing here?" Sonia roared as she reached the bottom of the stairs, making Eddie jolt with fear in Richie's arms.

"Eddie called-"

"Edward Kaspbrak! You were supposed to be in bed!"

Eddie peeked up at his mother with scared, watery eyes before burying his face against Richie's neck once again. Richie stood holding his friend and staring up at Sonia with an equally terrified expression.

"I'm sorry, Sonia," Karen apologized, stepping forward. "He was upset and I couldn't just leave him sobbing in your kitchen."

"Yes, you could have," Sonia glared. "It's none of your business!"

"Excuse me," Karen scoffed, shocked at Sonia's treatment after all of the support the Wheelers had shown her family in the past few weeks. "Eddie is my business and if he comes to me for help, I will help him, Sonia!"

Sonia sighed, covering her face with her hands in defeat.

"Please leave," Sonia groaned, voice muffled by her hands.


"I said get out of my house!"

The two women stood, glaring at one another until Karen deflated.

"Richie," Karen spoken, eyes focusing on Sonia. "It's time to go."

"But mommy-"

"No! No! No!" Eddie howled, clutching his best friend as tight as he could.

"I'm sorry, sweetie," Karen apologized, tears spring to her own eyes as she turned away from Sonia and crouched down beside the two children. "We have to go, but I promise we'll see you tomorrow. Alright?"

"No! Richie! No!" Eddie continued to scream, not releasing Richie from his grip.

"Eddie, that's enough," Sonia spoke harshly, yanking Eddie back and picking him up into her arms.

"Eddie!" Richie shrieked, reaching out for his flailing and screaming friend. "Mommy, no! I can't leave him!"

"C'mon, sweetie," Karen soothed, picking Richie up in a similar fashion and retreating from the house and the sound of a sobbing Eddie.

"Mommy, no," Richie cried. "I need Eddie!"

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry," Karen whispered, rocking the sobbing child in her arms.

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