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A/N: I'm not sure if you guys noticed but I posted more books lol so u can go check em out if you want.

"Hey, Rich," Eddie greeted as his best friend slumped against the locker next to his after school one spring Friday afternoon.

"Hey," Richie mumbled, rubbing at his left eye with a balled fist.

"Y'okay?" Eddie asked, looking between his locker and Richie's pale face as he packed his belongings into his bag for the weekend.

"Headache," Richie shrugged, dropping his fist to his side and leaning his head back against the cool metal locker behind him.

"Again?" Eddie frowned, zipping his bag and throwing it over his shoulder before gently closing his locker. Richie nodded shortly in response, groaning as he realized Eddie was ready to go and he had to start walking again. "Dizzy too?"

"Yup," Richie sighed, shuffling along beside Eddie and through the crowded middle school hallways.

"Maybe we should cancel the sleepover tonight, Rich," Eddie sighed in response. "You need to get some rest."

"No, m'fine," Richie shook his head, swallowing the growing bile in his throat.

"Rich," Eddie tutted. "You're not."

"Am so," Richie mumbled, rubbing at the ache in the back of his neck. "S'fine, Spaghetti."

"Stan and Bill are not coming over tonight Richie," Eddie prompted as soon as Richie returned from his mad dash to the bathroom down the hall. "You look like shit."

"Gee, thanks S'ghetti," Richie mumbled, wiping at the tears that had gathered in the corners of his eyes while he was busy puking his guts out in the bathroom. "It'll be fine."

"I'm gonna tell your mom Rich," Eddie threatened, crossing his arms over his chest as he watched Richie flop back against his bed.

"Eds," Richie let out a long drawn out whine.

"Don't 'Eds' me, Richie," Eddie snipped, pinching at the pale skin poking out of Richie's pants near his ankle as he sat perched on the end of Richie's bed. "You know you need to take it easy when you get your migraines."

"But Eds," Richie continued to whine, moving to sit up and look directly at Eddie. "It's bo-ring!"

"Richie," Eddie scolded, crawling up the bed and pushing Richie down by his shoulders causing the curly haired boy to wince at the sudden impact of his head on his pillow. "I'm gonna go get your meds. Do. Not. Move."

Richie relented, tossing a forearm over his eyes to block the light filtering through the curtains into the dim room as Eddie trampled down the stairs to collect Richie's pain medication from Karen.

Richie had started experiencing head-splitting migraines as he entered into puberty, doctors blaming it on his fluctuating hormones. His doctor had prescribed him some strong pain killers that left him feeling like a numb zombie but it was the only treatment option they had found that worked for Richie.

Eddie returned a few minutes later with Karen in tow.

"Another migraine, sweetheart?" Karen murmured as she entered the room carrying the little bottle of Richie's medication as Eddie carried a tall glass of water.

"Yeah," Richie croaked, moving his arm enough to peek up at his mother and best friend.

"M'kay," Karen nodded, sitting down on the side of Richie's bed and opening the cap of the medication bottle that she refused to leave in Richie's care despite his many requests. "Here," she mumbled, shaking out a single pill and holding it out to Richie.

"Thanks," Richie muttered, taking the pill and tossing it into his mouth before taking the glass of water from Eddie who stood slightly behind his mother. "Thanks, S'ghetti," he coughed, wiping the water left on his lips after gulping down the icy-cold liquid.

"I brought this too," Eddie offered, holding out a blue and white ice pack.

"Thanks, bub," Richie murmured, accepting the cold compress with a soft smile as Eddie flushed embarrassedly.

"How're you feeling?" Eddie asked, leaning on his side with his head propped on his bent arm as he smiled down at Richie.

"Groovy, dude," Richie slurred, head lolling from side to side on his pillow as his hooded eyes tried to focus on Eddie.

"Just try to sleep," Eddie chuckled, reaching out to stroke Richie's cheek with his knuckles as Richie's mouth hung open slackly. Eddie hated seeing Richie under the influence of his pain medications but he hated leaving Richie alone and in pain even more.

"Stay wif me?" Richie slurred, arm flopping towards Eddie numbly as his fingers scrabbled for purchase in the fabric of Eddie's t-shirt.

"Always, Rich," Eddie whispered, pushing the curls hanging in Richie's eyes back and smiling as they sprung back into place seconds later.

"Yay," Richie cheered weakly, curling up on his side and tangling both of his hands in Eddie's shirt. "S'ghetti-love."

Eddie blushed deeply, eyebrows quirking in confusion and surprise at Richie's slurred words.

"Sleep, Rich," Eddie murmured, trying to quiet his best friend to spare himself embarrassment.

"My S'ghetti-love," Richie slurred again, wriggling closer to Eddie's body and burrowing his face against Eddie's chest contentedly.

Eddie smiled down at Richie, cheeks still flaming as he began rubbing soothing circles into Richie's tense back.

"Rich?" Eddie whispered as he listened to Richie's slow and steady breaths. "Rich?"

After waiting a beat to ensure Richie was truly unconscious Eddie tilted his head down to press a feather light kiss to Richie's cheek.

'You're so fucked,' Eddie told himself as he watched Richie's face twitch into a soft and content smile at the feeling of Eddie's smooth and plush lips. 'You're so, so fucked.'

Eddie groaned before pushing the arm he was propped on under Richie's pillow and wriggling to find a comfortable position on his back with Richie's head cushioned on his shoulder.

Eddie let out a long sigh.

"Love you, Rich," he whispered into the dark curls tickling his chin before pressing another soft kiss to the crown of his head as his best friend snored quietly.

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