Gone Beyond

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I'm gone now, I'm gone

To a place you can never follow

I'm gone now, I'm gone

To a place beyond

Your wildest hopes

I'm gone, you hear? I'm gone

To a place so far away

Yes, the world will know

I'm gone

But where, they'll ask

Only tell us where

I'll tell you this much then, you


Your curiosity cannot be quenched

I'll tell you what's in the

Mystery land

Though you fools

Won't understand

So listen carefully now,

I entreat you -

I'll only say it once;

And whoever misses their chance

To listen, then

Woe be to their miserable luck

It's a place of detachment from

Your sorrow and your fears

A place you can only enter

But never depart from here

A place you'll want to

Stay forever - trust me, you will;

And when the end comes?

It'll drag you under

To fire and to brimstone

To an eternity of torture

And fear 

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