Poet's Note

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To everyone who finished reading this book, thank you so much for spending your time to read my works ;) It means the world to me ❣

Not everyone will relate to the meaning behind these poems, but if you do, here are a few words for you...

I've been to hell and back myself, so I probably have an idea about how crappy life can be. It's not a secret that life likes to push people to their limits and leave them dangling on their breaking point. It's okay to cry, to be depressed, even to want to end it. It's okay, because you have the right to feel emotions. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

Acknowledge your feelings. Don't bury them deep down and think you can hide from them, because you can't. Self deception is probably one of the worst things you can do to yourself. Trust me on this one. It's better to know and accept how you feel - no matter how negative your emotions might be - and try to move on from there.

And if you don't feel like moving on? If you want to wallow in your sadness, that's okay too. Sometimes it's easier to stay sad because you don't have the strength to get up and fight your way through life's challenges. If you want to allow yourself some time for self-pity, it's okay.

It's okay because you're you, and everyone takes a different amount of time and a different method to cope with their feelings. Allowing yourself the time you need is a sign of self-knowledge, not cowardice or weakness.

What's not okay is giving up. You can be depressed, hopeless, lost...but never give up. Ever. Because when you give up on yourself, you're telling the world to give up on you too.

You have a choice to make today. You can either give up and sink, or you can acknowledge your emotions and decide to be a fighter. You don't have to be strong to be a fighter, you just have to not give up. It's that simple. By not giving up, you're automatically telling life, "I'm not going to let you knock me down."

Be a fighter. For me, for your family, for your friends, but most importantly, FOR YOURSELF.

P.S.- Feel free to message me anytime for anything, I'll reply to each message individually ;)

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