thirty three¿

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"you guys have been working hard on choreo that you just finished up with ian, so that's what you're going to be using." simon cleared up.

"b-but i told you about my and kym's vacation tomorrow." zion stuttered.

"did you not get my message? i had my assistant message you about it in advance so that you had time to talk about it with her." simon raised an eyebrow.

zion quickly pulled his phone out, looking through his many unread messages.

"i don't see anything."

simon sighed and shook his head. "i really need a new assistant. well, i'm sorry zion, but this tour is final. career first, remember?"

zion sadly nodded, pushing his phone back into his pocket.

"well, i have a meeting to get to but i will send you all the information you need tonight and you have all day tomorrow to pack." simon explained.

"you're leaving 10pm on a flight to portland for the first stop, and the rest of the tour is on a bus. we clear?" he stood up from behind his desk.

all the boys nodded and said goodbye to simon before shuffling out of his office.

once everyone had stepped out of the office and the door had closed, four out of the five boys instantly started cheering.

"we're going on tour boys!" edwin exclaimed loudly. he got a few looks from the people working but he ignored them.

"we rockin' pretty! pretty! prettymuch!" the four boys chanted as they stepped out of the building.

zion was on his phone, figuring out how to text kym.

hey baby, can we talk when i get home?

bitch ass🤩🤠♥️
yeah of course, meeting go well?

yeah, just got some important news

we're going to eat at chick fil a, u want?

bitch ass 🤩🤠♥️
yes please! y'all need to go grocery shopping or something fr

we went a few days ago, i just live with four fatasses so i mean

bitch ass🤩🤠♥️
lmao okay, well i'm gonna sister shower so i'll talk to you later, i love u

alright, i love u too bitch ass

bitch ass🤩🤠♥️
okay zaddy

word count: 359 words
published: aug. 4, 2018
this is short but hi this b00k is ending on that soon soon

oh, and i convinced k to let me write some sister smut for this book before it ends so are u guys even into that or should we scrap- give us the tea sisters!💀💀

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