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kym woke up in the familiar guest bedroom of the mills household. she would stay here whenever cris and her would hang out late into the night.

she looked at the clock, seeing 12pm displayed on it. not bad.

kym got up and went downstairs to be greeted by cris' mum.

"kym, love there's breakfast just for you on the table." she pointed with her head.

the girl nodded, "thank you, pauly."

she walked over to the table and saw her plate, loaded with bacon, two slices of french toast and a small pile of hash browns.

she smiled and sat down, digging in. she went on her phone, seeing a notification from zion on instagram.

zionkuwonu yo k, down to ft rn?

krescobedo yeah, but isn't it hella late there?

zionkuwonu indeed, its 4am rn but im wide awake lmao

zionkuwonu i'll prob fall asleep during the call anyway so i'd rather fall asleep talking to you

krescobedo stop being so cute thx

krescobedo call me lmao

incoming facetime call from mt. zeon🤞🏼💛!

kym laughed as she saw zion's messy hair. "you look like a crusty pineapple, z."

his mouth formed an o, acting offended. "you're cancelled."

the pair talked for an hour, catching up on each other's lives. zion ended up falling asleep, as predicted, so kym took a quick screenshot and whispered goodnight, hanging up.

she put her empty plate in the sink and started washing the large pile, until she heard someone come into the kitchen.

"kym, go get ready. i got it." cris' brother, harry, said behind her.

"you sure?" she asked. "yeah."

she dried her hands and smiled at harry as a thank you, heading upstairs to get all the things she needed.

an hour later she was all ready. she had put on a simple pair of black jeans with slits in the knees, one of zion's white hoodies, and a jean jacket over top. she had a gray scarf over top, with a black beanie on her head.

it was freezing in england, since it was winter, so when she walked out the door after putting on her white nike hightops, she still somehow shivered.

her and harry got in the car in silence, knowing what was going to happen next.

the ten minute drive to the cemetery was quick, leaving kym barely any time to process anything that was happening.

"do you want me to stay in the car?" harry asked as he finished parking. she nodded, "i'll be back, i guess."

she got out of the car, the frosty air making her squint and quickly walk over to the spot harry had pointed to.

tears pricked her eyes as she found it, reading the writing on the grave.

here lies
cristoph taylor mills.
a great friend, sibling, and son.
he will forever be missed.
1999 - 2018

i sniffled loudly as my eyes scanned the years at the bottom. he was only 18. he still had so much life ahead of him.

"fuck, why'd you have to leave me?" i sobbed, sitting down on the wet grass.

"god, i miss you so much. the house is so empty without you. i can't go a day without something reminding me of you and i'm so tired of it. i hate being this vulnerable." i said out loud.

"i," i closed my eyes. "i broke up with edwin. his bitch ass was cheating on me. and i-" i exhaled loudly.

"i think i might be developing feelings for my best friend. yes, caleb zion kuwonu. god. that feels so crazy coming out of my mouth."

word count: 600 words
published: feb. 23, 2018

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