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thank you for all the love you all provide for this book. nothing makes us happier than reading your comments and seeing you guys enjoying the chapters. we love you all😇💘

"hurry up," zion said sleepily as kym struggled to unhook her seatbelt.

"babe, you're not even drunk. why you acting like you are." he groaned, reaching over her and unbuckling the device.

kym huffed. "i'm delusional and tired."

she lazily picked up her bag before getting out of the car, zion shutting the door behind her and putting his hand on her lower back.

they walked into the prettymuch house, catching nick's attention.

"what took you guys so damn long." he laughed.

"kym couldn't unbuckle her seatbelt." zion rolled his eyes playfully, nick bursting into laughter.

"whatever. you guys are assholes." kym mumbled before leaving zion's grip and going up the stairs into zion's room.

she was met with edwin when she opened the door, who was rummaging through zion's stuff.

"now what in the hell do you think you're doing?!" kym exclaimed.

edwin turned red.

"do you by any chance know where um- where- shit. uh," he stuttered.

"oh my god, spit it out i just wanna sleep." kym groaned.

"do you know where zion keeps his condoms?" edwin blurted out.

kym's eyes widened.

she reached into the drawer compartment under zion's mattress and pulled out the unopened box of magnum condoms.

"have at it." she threw it at edwin.

he grabbed a strip of them and smiled awkwardly, giving her back the box.

"thank you." he left the room.

"i can't believe i just gave my ex condoms." kym mumbled, putting the box back.

she walked to the closet, opening the side that had zion's clothes.

kym pulled out one of zion's large t-shirts and replaced her outfit with it. she walked into the bathroom and brushed her teeth, soon afterward walking back into zion's room.

she pulled her hair into a messy bun and threw her clothes in the hamper in the corner.

zion walked in soon after, going up behind kym as she put down her heels.

"sorry for laughing at you, baby." he hugged her.

kym shrugged him off, not in the mood to do anything but sleep.

"baby," zion whined, dragging out the 'y'.

"it's fine, babes. i'm super tired so can you hurry up and change so we can cuddle and go to sleep." she looked up at him with a half smile.

zion nodded, pulling his shirt off along with his jeans, pulling on a pair of gray sweats. he left the room quickly and brushed his teeth, walking back into the room.

kym looked up from her phone and groaned, seeing his outfit of choice.

"what?" zion said confusedly.

"you know gray sweats are my weakness." kym pouted.

zion laughed and walked up to the bed, putting his face centimeters away from hers.

"aw, it's nice to see you actually do have feelings." he said, standing back up straight.

kym glared at his teasing. "you're a hoe."

"but i'm your hoe." zion winked playfully, getting into the bed next to her.

they plugged their phones in and faced each other.

"one kiss?" kym asked.

"actually, maybe two?" she pouted.

zion hadn't put the covers over himself purposely, so she could continue to go crazy over his sweats.

"nah," zion turned onto his back.

kym swiftly threw her leg over him, hoisting herself up so she straddled him.

"please?" she groaned.

zion raised his eyebrows at how desperate she was.

kym smashed her lips onto his, their lips molding together.

they continued to make out, zion's hands on her hips as he started trailing his kisses along her jaw.

pounding was heard on the wall next to them, causing them to pull apart.

kym rolled her eyes, getting off zion.

"is that edwin and tiffany?" zion chuckled.

"yeah, i lent him your condoms." she told him.

"oh my god, you did not." zion's jaw dropped.

"i did." she smiled, it quickly fading as more pounding was heard.

"oh my fucking god, chill bro! you sound like a damn elephant." she yelled, banging on the wall with her fist.

the couple on the other side of the wall seemed to quiet down, kym silently thanking God.

she pressed a long kiss to zion's lips, never getting tired of the feeling of their lips together.

"i love you." she placed her hands on his bare chest.

"and i love you." zion smiled widely, pecking her lips once more before draping an arm around her waist.

and they fell asleep peacefully in each others' arms.

word count: 741 words
published: mar. 25, 2018
yeehaw gray sweats on boys are a phat nut from me

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