Part three: Trapped in a cage

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Warning!: This story contains spoilers for season 2 of Dirk Gently. I suggest tha you watch it before reading this story or you wont understand what I'm getting at!

You had been ordered to scout out the Bergsberg to find Project Icarus. The AR-15 that Priest had given you sat on your back with a compliment of bullets and a machete. A huge metal wire fence sat in front of you with the gate wide open. As you think for a few minutes and decide to walk in a light is seen inside the house. Your curiosity got the best of you as you walked into the house to find out where the light came from. The door to the room sat in front of you now and you straightened your black leather jacket nervously. Before looking at the door you close your eyes and reach toward the handle but you instead fall forward and into the room. A man with pink hair stood above you with a scissor sword. He pointed it at you while you put your hands up defensively. "Who are you?" He asked and you shook slightly with fear. "I', I'm the Tracker, (Y/N) Tracker." You stutter out and he nods with a thoughtful look. "I'm Panto Trost from Wendimoor. Do you know who Dirk Gently is? I'm looking for him." He questioned as you stood up slowly, your trained eye observing his muscles tensing. "I am looking for him myself. We can help each other if you want?" You suggest and Panto nods. "It sounds like a good idea! Let's go!" He raised his voice excitedly and ran toward the stairs. You shook your head slowly and followed him out of the house. His pink hair waved around slightly in the wind as he ran down the road. "Well come on then! Let's go find him!" He yelled as you run after him with new found enthusiasm. The tall fence was now right in front of you and Panto seemed to be staring at the sky. "Why is your moon so tiny?" He asks and you chuckle in confusion. "What do you mean? The moon has always been like that." You respond and he gives you a side glare. "Our moon is really huge and it never actually moves." He said while tapping his head. He then continued to track down the road, leaving yoh standing in confusion. You then snapped back into reality and some blood streaks down your face. As you ran with Panto you crossed the road into a field of long grass. He took out his scissor sword and started to cut the grass in front of him. "That's not necessary. I'll do this." You say and he puts the scissor sword down. For a few seconds you stared at the grass until you began analyzing it carefully, looking for an easy way through. There was a break in the grass that led to a whole paddock with something in the middle. "Come on! Through here Panto!" You yell and he walks through the grass stalks and to the other side. With wide eyes you both gasped at the boat that sat to the side of the road. You could see some footprints that seemed familiar but were a few days old. After leaning down next to them and checking the prints out, you concluded that a female on the FBI's most wanted list, Farah Black had been here. Another set of footprints showed that she had met a person here. The radio that was strapped to your side turned on and Hugo seemed to be trying to get your attention. "Hey. What's your status? Update please? Hello?" He called as you finished analysing the prints. "Project Ichnaea at attention supervisor Friedkin. I seem to have located Farah Black and possibly Todd Brotzman. I have also found a person who is looking for Project Icarus as well. We are currently searching together." You respond slowly because you had wanted to make sure that he got what you were saying. " What does any of that mean? Can you come back to Blackwing please as Priest is working on finding Dirk." He said and you contemplated on him wanting you back at Blackwing. As much as you wanted to stay outside exploring the universe was calling you in that direction. "I will begin making my way back sir. If I'm not there by tomorrow morning then something bad has happened." You said and Hugo agreed with your reasoning. You put the radio away and turned back to look at Panto. "I really must leave Panto. I'm so sorry that I can't continue helping you but it was nice to meet you." You say quickly and he nods with understanding. " The pleasure is all mine. Have good travels and may we meet again sometime in the future." He said and you gave him a quick hug then left, crossing the road and running toward the town. Once you were in the town you saw two females holding guns and wearing police uniforms. When they spotted you the dark skinned lady instantly trained her gun at you. "Drop your weapon now!" She yelled and you smiled as you recognized her to be Farah Black. "Oh Farah. Or what? You will shoot me?" You ask with a menacing tone and she places her hand on the trigger. "I will shoot. Drop your weapon and get on your knees." She yelled and the other female was going crazy in the background. "No!" You yell and move forward only to be shot in the stomach. An odd gurgling sound escapes your mouth as you fall to the ground and curl into a tight ball. The last thing you saw before everything went black was Farah and the other girl picking you up carefully and putting you in a car. 

Time skip (One day)

There was a constant ringing sound in your ears and it was giving you bad headache. After a few seconds the sound went away and you sat up, holding your side where you were shot. Standing up proved to be a challenge but you soon forgot about it when you noticed another person in the same cage next to you. It was Bart. "Hi Bart. How are you?" You ask and she gives you a small chuckle. "I'm fine but you don't seem to good. Almost got dead I heard that lady say." She said and cocked her head sideways. "Yea. I need to get out of here." You say but Bart shook her head. It was clear that the people who were keeping you hostage would keep you there for however long they wanted so you just got comfortable. It only took a few minutes for a man wearing an odd assortment of clothes to walk in followed by Farah and the lady from before. "Oh no. You have got to be kidding me." The oddly dressed man said as he looked at you. "Are you Dirk Gently?" You ask and he nods. "Blackwing is after me." He whispered then walked out.

>-------------------{Hugo Friedkins POV}-------------------<

"Where the hell is she?" I yelled at Priest angrily through the intercom. It had been an entire day and Project Ichnaea was still nowhere to be found. "We have suspicions that she has been taken hostage. We are trying to locate her but the tracker seems to be leading us over countless amounts of area. All messed up and stuff. What do we do?" Priest questioned and I held my head in my hands. "Keep looking. She may have found Dirk Gently." I say and he turns his comm off. I wish this would get easier!


((A/N) This one was longer than usual I must say! Hope enjoyed! Tomorrow there will be a new update! Don't forget #savedirkgently and tell Hulu how much you want a season 3!

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