.How am I supposed to feel.

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She is so helpless she needs to know that people care about her."Hey vic."She said still hugging me "Hmm."I say looking at her "I have to leave."She says then releases from the hug and gets her stuff wait no she can't leave I don't want her to...Wait what am I saying I grab Taylor's hand she turned around fast I could tell she was shocked "I-I don't want you to leave."I say scratching the back of my neck.Did I just say that oh god."Vic"She says putting her hand on my cheek "I have to it's better for everyone if I go..."She says then walks away if I could I would nock out whoever ruined her life,wait why am I talking like this she is just a friend not family...


Taylor POV

Huh I know vic cares I just can't be around people that don't care about me I thought carley cared about me but I was wrong.I got my bags and walked out when I was about to leave vic called "Taylor wait."vic yelled I turned around and vic vic kissed me Holy crap I thought we were just friends...Crap crap crap I pulled away from the kiss and looked at him.It was my first kiss weird "Uh"he says looking at me "Well I should get going.So yeah bye"I said awkwardly then walked away what am I going to do know? I have no where to stay.You know what I'm gonna start over change my name and be a singer it's gonna be tricky but I can do it.


{A year later.}

[Hailey Wilson POV] -Taylor

"Hi what can I get for you today?"A very perky lady said with a huge smile..."A life."I mumble under my breath "Um can I have a water please."I said to the lady I looked at her name tag it said 'Jessie' that's a pretty name..."Okay is that it?"She asked I looked down then back at her "That is all."I reply to her with a smile.I can't wait to see the guys...

When I was done I headed to the store named 'Hot Topic' I looked around when I found a necklace that said 'You don't lose friends you find out who the real ones are.'that put a smile on my face "Oh my god it's her!"I heard someone say I looked to see who had said that and there were two girls one girl was really happy the other girl just stood there.the girl was looking at me."Can you sign my shirt please!?"One of the girls asked me handing me the marker I took it and wrote my name on her shirt "Thank you."She says then walks off I kept looking around I found a grey sweatier with a black hat cute.I got home after like a 20 minute drive "Hi socks what are you doin."I said walking towards my cat socks she was a stray so I brang her in.

'Ring Ring Ring' I picked up my phone and answered it...

"Hello."The person said from the other line it sounds like Mike.

"Hello uh.Who is this?"I asked the stranger on the other line.

"This is Mike from pierce the veil."He said "Whats your name?"He asked me Oh crap...

"Its Hailey."I said kind of awkwardly.

"Well do you wanna come with us to have a couple of drinks?"He asked I could tell he was nerves.

"Oh I'm sorry I don't get drunk with people I don't know!"I said then hung up...

I sat on the couch with socks and turned the T.V on we were watching 'Minor details' Its a really good movie...

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