Chapter 4: The Date with Winter

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(A/N: Well hello my fellow readers and followers, here is chapter 4 of this story and like the last chapter with the date with Yang, no this chapter will be the date with Winter,

Now with that said, let the ready begin.)

(Y/N) P.O.V

"After the date with Yang, now (Y/N) is going on a date with non-other than Winter Schnee. He never thought he would date a woman like Winter considering she's from a family that's known for selling dust, he is making his way to where he's meeting Winter and he sees her standing at the landing pad, then he breathes out and walks towards her............
(Y/N): "Hello Winter."
Winter: "Hello (Y/N)."
(Y/N): "So, you ready for the date?"
Winter: "Yes, I already have a restaurant booked, we should head there now."

Winter P.O.V

..........they walk on a Bullhead then a limo arrives and they both get in and Winter sits next to him and the driver takes them to the restaurant...........
Winter: (I'll prove I'm better than that blonde bimbo. I'll do everything I can until me and you dates (Y/N), I don't plan on losing this love rivalry.)
..........they arrive and they get out the limo and then as they do, Winter wraps her arms around his arm making (Y/N) surprised and they walk in. They sat down at their table and they ordered their food. Then Winter looks and she smiles as she looks at (Y/N), then (Y/N) paid for their food like a true gentleman and she smiles. Then they got in the limo and they headed to the park and they decided to walk around. Then as they pass a tree, some rustling is heard and then White Fang soldiers appeared and they surrounded (Y/N) and Winter............

3rd P.O.V

White Fang Soldier 1: "Look what we have a here, a Schnee."
White Fang Soldier 2: "And a huntsman."
Winter: "Walk away you fiends."
White Fang Soldier 3: "Why don't you make us?"
(Y/N): "That can be arranged."
White Fang Soldier 4: "Oh, this guy has jokes."
..........then he looks at the one who said that and he does a swift kick knocking him out, then Winter grabs her weapon and they fight the soldiers, but (Y/N) even without his weapon is good in melee combat. He then kicks the guy in the gut and knocks him out with kicking him in the back of the head. Then he grabs the soldiers wrist with his weapon in hand and knocks it out his hand and punched him in the face where his mask broke as he went unconscious, but Winter gets held down as her arms are hold by soldiers and (Y/N) jumps over her to kick the one holding her and a spin kick to the other. Then one soldier runs behind him, but Winter uses her rapier and stabs his shoulder and kicks him in the face knocking him out, they looked to see all the soldiers knocked out and beaten, Winter calls the police and they get taken away where Atlas will lock them up. (Y/N) and Winter continued to hangout on their date, but then they head back and (Y/N) looks at Winter.............
Winter: "I really had a good time (Y/N)."
(Y/N): "Same here. But, even those White Fang soldiers couldn't mess it up."
Winter: *giggles* "Yeah. Well, I better be going."
..........unexpectedly, Winter leans to (Y/N) and kissed his right cheek and (Y/N) gets surprised, he walks on the Bullhead and heads to Beacon, then he walks back to his dorm and he sits down on his bed and starts thinking about who he should date, but it still hasn't crossed his mind on who it should be now since both the dates with Yang and Winter did really well."
(Y/N): (I still can't choose who to become my girlfriend. They're both amazing women, but if this keeps up this will go on.)

To be continued..............

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

Love Rivalry: Yang Xiao Long x Male Reader x Winter SchneeWhere stories live. Discover now