Chapter 8: Still a Hard Decision! A Breaking Point

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(A/N: Well hello my fellow readers and followers, here is chapter 8'of this story and if you read the title of this chapter then you should know what's going to happen in this chapter,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

Yang P.O.V

"Yang is hanging out with (Y/N) after what those 2 did acouple of weeks ago, she found out that Winter did the same thing and she was pissed, but she knew (Y/N) never did it until Winter convinced him, even so after that she is still determined to win (Y/N)'s heart and not loosing to Winter. And (Y/N) is still in deciding on who he really wants to date and Yang is still determined to win his heart, they're walking in Vale as they head towards a diner where Yang wants to introduce him to her father and uncle, they arrive and they see them in the distance..................
Yang: "Dad. Uncle Qrow."
Taiyang: "Hey Yang. *looks at (Y/N)* And I believe you're (Y/N)?"
(Y/N): "Yes sir, that's me."
Qrow: "Sup kid."
.................they sit down and talk, then Yang decided to try and make a move as she placed her hand on his leg and he freaks out..............
(Y/N) 'whispering': "What are you doing?"
Yang 'whispering': "This is what couples do right?"
(Y/N) 'whispering': "But, your father, sister, and uncle is right there."
Yang 'whispering': "They won't find out."
...............she rubs his leg and he blushes, but he hides it. Yang giggles and then she placed her hand in his holding it, then she leans in and is close to kissing him. Until they hear the door burst open...............
????: "Greetings."
...............they look to see Winter and behind her is Weiss along with who Yang recognized as their father................
Winter: "I'm not interrupting am I?"

3rd P.O.V

Yang: "YOU BITCH!"
Winter: "What?"
Yang: "You ruined everything now, I just wanted (Y/N) to meet my dad and uncle, then you arrive to ruin everything."
..............then Jaques walks in and he looks at (Y/N).................
Jaques: "So, you must be (Y/N) (L/N). If you know I am Jaques Schnee, I hear a lot about you. And that earns you to be my Son-In-Law."
Taiyang: *pulls (Y/N) back* "Your Son-In-Law? You mean my Son-In-Law?"
Jaques: "And I believe you must be this bimbo's father."
Qrow: "Don't talk about Yang like that."
Jaques: "Qrow Branwen, Winter told me about you as well."
...............they started arguing and then Ruby walks up to Weiss..............
Ruby: "You had to arrive here?"
Weiss: "Clearly Yang is persistent, but my sister can be the same as to winning (Y/N)'s heart."
Ruby: "Yang, is the perfect girlfriend for (Y/N)!"
Weiss: "NO WINTER IS!"
................they started arguing and (Y/N) is trying to break it up, but it starts spiraling outta control. (Y/N) looks at Yanga do Winter to see them face to face as they're too close as he goes to them and breaks them up trying to calm him down..............
(Y/N): "Girls, let's not do anything hasty."
Yang: "I guess there's only one option."
Winter: "One of us has to die to win his heart and it will be you."
...............Yang activates her gauntlets as Winter grabs her weapon and (Y/N) starts freaking out and he tried keeping them separated, but they still tried to fight each other. Then as it was close to get outta hand, and (Y/N) sudddenly hits a boiling point.............
(Y/N): "ENOUGH!"
...............they flinch at that and everyone stops arguing...............
(Y/N): "You know what, I had enough. I seen girls compete over guys through my time, but you two are outta control. You fight each other to see who lives, what kind of crap is that? I just can't deal with this anymore, for the past 2 months this has been going on and I've had it."
...............he walks to the door, then he slams it as Yang and Winter looks as they turned opposite directions as they started to cry and their parents tried comforting them.................
Ruby: "I guess I forgot to mention he has a breaking point when things get too far."
Weiss: "Yeah."

Timeskip-A Week Later

...............ever since (Y/N)'s outburst with everything that's going on Yang and Winter were sitting down and they cried...............
Winter: "I shouldn't have arrived where they were that day, I was so stupid. He probably won't be talk to me again."
Weiss: "Winter, don't say that. There's no way he would do that."
Winter: "And why would I not believe he's might hate me?"
...............Yang is sitting on Blake's bed as she cries.................
Ruby: "Yang, please stop crying. (Y/N) will never hate you."
Yang: "Me and Winter just kept pressuring him on liking us, and I guess we took it too far."
Ruby: "But, that still won't mean he hates you."
...............with Winter.............
Winter: "But, why is it so hard to choose me or Yang? It can't be that hard choosing."
Weiss: "Well, I think I understand. *Winter looks at her* (Y/N) can't choose you two cause if he did, he would you or Yang's feelings. I did notice that."
..............with Yang...............
Ruby: "Yang, maybe you need to notice."
Yang: "Notice what?"
Ruby: "Weiss told me this, he's just afraid if he would hurt your feelings if he chose Winter or hurt Winter's feelings if he chose you. He's like that and I saw it as well."
................they both notice as well, then they are walking in the park as they still want to date (Y/N), but he still wouldn't choose who. They kept walking until they saw each other as they looked at each other and it turns out they arranged to meet each other and they stared eye to eye..............
Yang: "Hey."
Winter: "Hello."
...............then they sat on a bench and they looked down.............
Yang: "I'm guessing you understand as well?"
Winter: "Yeah. (Y/N) wouldn't want to hurt our feelings if he chose one of us, I can't blame him. He's just so nice."
Yang: "And we've been pressuring him, and we took too far what happened about a week ago."
Winter: "Yeah."
...............they looked down sad as Winter wanted to know why Yang wanted to talk...............
Winter: "So, why did you invite me here?"
Yang: "I guess if (Y/N) can't choose one of us, I thought of something."
Winter: "What is it?"
Yang: *looks at Winter* "Maybe we can share him?"
Winter: *looks at her surprised* "As in both of us date him at the same time?"
Yang: "That's exactly what I'm saying, we've been fighting for so long that the only option is that."
Winter: "I guess it is reasonable. *she stands up and extends her hand to Yang* Deal?"
Yang: *looks at her and shakes her hand* "Deal!"
................they shook hands as they decided to both date (Y/N)................
Winter: "But, how are we gonna talk to him to let him know we decided to?"
Yang: "How about we surprise him, in bed."
................her eyes widen and she smirks."
Winter: "I guess I can go another round, or we can go another round."
Yang: "Exactly."

To be continued.............

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

Love Rivalry: Yang Xiao Long x Male Reader x Winter SchneeWhere stories live. Discover now