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Finn POV
Someone goes out of the car. I see a girl open the door. I knew Melanie had children but I didn't realize one of them was my age. I smiled in my head. She was wearing a beanie. I loved those. They were just really confortable and it looked cute on her. She looked at me and I smiled. She didn't have makeup or like a big outfit but she wasn't ugly at all. Hell no. She gave me a tiny smile and took a boxe out of the car. She looked a little bit annoyed. I looked at my mom she was already hugging her long lost friend in her arms. I looked at the car and saw a little boy coming out of it. I came at him. « Hey you! I'm finn what's your name? » the boy was shy I could tell. He didn't answer. « He doesn't speak English » I turn around and saw the girl talking to me. She had an accent and it was really cute. « Oh I'm sorry . I forgot your from Montreal. You speak... French? » « yeah » I looked at the boy and said « Bonjour! Je m'appelle Finn » thanks Noah. Noah is my friend. He knew some word in french and teaches them to me. The little boy said « Je m'appelle Liam » (Hi ! My name is Finn! My name is Liam) I turn around to talk to the girl but she was already inside the house. « This one is not gonna be easy » I whispered as I shook my head.


I saw him shook his head and whispered something. I feel bad It's not that I don't want to know him but it's because I don't want to get hurt. That's what happens every time I met someone. I don't know how to act so I'm rude. That's why my only friend is Mia. I take my box and move it upstairs. My mom told me my room was the first door to the left. I open the door.

 I open the door

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I smile. This room is perfect! It's really big so I can dance. I put my box down and search something in it. I take out my speaker and put I like it from Cardi B.   (Go at 2:52 to see your part)

I do a little bit of freestyle. I like this song so much. I was so into my dance that when the song turn off I didn't realized that Finn was looking at me.

Finn POV
I take a box from the car. I asked Melanie where it goes. She told me that it was te first door to the left, upstairs. I enter into the house and realize someone put music. I look in the room and I saw her dancing. Damn. That girl really knew how to dance. I put the box down and keep observing her. I bite my lip. She was really good. She looked badass. The sound turn off and she look at me. I stop biting my lip and I became nervous like a little kid who just stole candy. She asked: « Did you saw all of it? » « n- yes.. i mean...youmomtoldmethatthiswaswherethe » she raised her hand « it's okay I should have close the door if I didn't want to be bothered. Thanks for the box but you can go now » « wait what's your name? » I said while she was closing the door. I was starting to leave but I heard her. « Y/n. That's my name » She said with her little accent. I smiled. Y/n... that was a cute name. « I'm Finn by the way» « I know ».

I love this chapter so much because they finally met so I can finally do something! 😁😁

The Montreal girl (Finn Wolfhard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now