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I woke up with the biggest headache of my life. How did I came into my room? And why do I have Finn's hoodie???? All I remember is Sadie giving me something. Maybe I was a little bit drunk. I open my door and goes in the kitchen. My mom is there drinking her coffee. « Hey! There's the party girl. How's your head? » « it hurts. » « here take this and drink a lot of water. » I take the pills that she handing me and take a glass of water. « I'm gonna be in bed all day. » I walk back upstairs with my glass of water.

🌿- How r u doing?
🥀- my head hurts
🌿- yeah. Normal.
🥀- who took me back to my house?
🌿- Me
🥀- Why do I have your hoodie?????
🌿- you were cold.
🥀- I can't remember anything
🌿- that's why young girls shouldn't drink.
🥀- haha 😑

- Finnie boy added you to St x it group chat

🥀- Are you sure they want me in your group chat?
🌿- yeah! Don't worry about that!

(St x It group chat)

🌺- hey girl!!
🥀- hey... you? Who is who? Write your names.
🌺- Sadie
🍝- Wyatt
🍒- Millie
🍕- Noah
🌭- Dustin
🍫- Lucas
🌿- Finn
🤓- Jack
🙉- Jeaden
🦊- Sophia
🕴🏼- Jeremy
🎩- Chosen
🥀- 👌🏻 thanks
🥀- By the way Sadie because of you I have the worst headache of my life.
🌺- Whoa! Don't put the blame on me! I gave you one drink! You took the others all by yourself!
🥀- yeah yeah....
🌺- I swear 😅

I talked in the group chat for and hour before deciding to get some sleep. They are all very nice and I canot wait to get to know better.

(Timeskip: 1 week later)
It has been now one week and some days since I arrived in Vancouver and I'm finally unboxing my last box. I talked with Finn a little bit haven't seen him since the party. Mia still can't believe im talking to the it and stranger things cast. I don't think she'll ever get used to it. I'm so depressed because it's raining outside. When you live in a place where winter is there almost more than half of the year you don't want rain to ruin your summer.

🌿- hey....
🥀- hey 😕
🌿- Why put that sad emoji face?
🥀- it's raining outside
🌿- So?? Rain is the best!
🥀- you're kidding right?
🌿- NO!! Okay be ready I'm coming to get you in 15.
🥀- What??
🌿- I already left my house.

I hurry and grab something in my closet. I brush my hair and take my raincoat. I hear knock on the door and I run downstairs. I smile at the thought of seeing Finn. Probably because I haven't seen anybody of all week. I open the door and see Finn. His hair are all flat because of the rain. « You're not wearing a raincoat? Do you at least know an umbrella is? » I say with a smirk. « I'm the one who should be asking you why you're wearing that! Now hurry outside. » « What? » Finn grab my wrists and take me outside. « Wow. I have so much fun. Rain is awesome. » I say with a fake smile. « You can't see the fun of it because you think about rain in the wrong way. Take off your raincoat. » « No way! I don't want to catch something. » « Don't worry! Just take it off! » I hesitate but finally take it off. « Now What? » « Close your eyes and raise your head. Feel the rain. Feel it touch your head and your body. It's like a million little pearls falling on you. » I do like he says so. It looks crazy but when you really start getting into it the feeling is awesome. We're just standing like that. After a while I finally open my eyes and catch Finn staring at me. He blush. I smile at him. « Yeah that felt great »

Finn POV
I open my eyes and look at her. She got her eyes close and a smile on her face. She finally open the eyes and I turn my head hoping she didn't saw me staring at her. « Yeah that felt great » gosh her smile. So pretty. It's perfect. « Wait there's more. » I look at street searching for a big puddles. I see one and take her to it. « You got to dance. » « What? » «  jump in it and dance! » « But there's no music! » « imagine it! Trust me it's so fun. We feel like in those music video where they dance in water. She look at me with a judge look. I start singing and dance. Not long after that she start dancing too. The water gets everywhere on our clothes but we don't care. We're just having fun and making funny faces while singing random songs.

(Timeskip: 2 hours later)

We're having fun but I realize that she starts getting cold. « You're cold? » « Yeah.. » « Don't worry! The day isn't over! Come at my house. » « okay! » we walk till we get to my house. I open the door and take her to my room. « Here takes those. »

Finn is handing me sweat pants and a shirt. « What? » « Take those. You're gonna get sick if you keep those. The bathroom is the first door to the left. » I take his clothes and go change in the bathroom. I get out and see Finn standing in front of me. He smirk. « What? » « it's funny to see you in my clothes. » there seem that there's something else but I don't say anything else. « Follow me. » I follow him downstairs. I see a giant TV. « The best part after going in the rain is when you drink hot chocolate while watching a movie. » he gave me the remote. « Choose a movie I'm gonna make the hot chocolate. » I open Netflix and see stranger things. It's strange to think that I'm at the house of the one that is playing Mike. I go in the drama category and select a movie who is rated 4 stars out of five. Finn gets back with a blanket and hot chocolates. He sit down and see what I chose. « Oh no. » « What? » « That movie is making me cry. Please don't make me watch it. » « If it makes you cry I definitely want to watch it! » I press play and the movie starts.

(Timeskip: end of the movie)

The generic appears. I turn my head and see that Finn is crying. « Don't laugh! » « you weren't kidding! » I gigles. « You were right. Rain is awesome. » And we smile at each other and locks eyes.

I finally updated!! I'm so sorry. I know I don't update a lot! It's because I wrote my chapter in note and forget to publish them after 😬. Keep reading!

The Montreal girl (Finn Wolfhard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now