T W E N T Y - F I V E

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Finn POV

I woke up on Y/n's bed. I must have fall asleep last night. Her head is on my chest and her arm is around me. As I try to figure out how to get out of her without woke her I see her eyes open slowly.

"Finn?" She asks with a sleepy voice. I take this opportunity and get out of the bed.

"Yeah it's me. I'm sorry I fall asleep last night, but don't worry i'm going home. You can sleep."

"No no. Stay." She says and Yawns at the same time. I'm a little bit nervous because of what happened last night. How should I act around her?

"My head hurts. Would you mind go in the bathroom get an aspirin?"


I open the door, and head to the bathroom. As I turn the corner, I run into Y/n''s mother. My eyes widened. She will have all those wrong ideas about why I'm here. I don't even know what I should say to her.

"oh hi Finn" she says while smirking. I immediately blush.


"What are you doing here?"
I try to think the fastest that I can. What should I say? I panick.

"Don't get the wrong idea!I only came her so- " Melanie starts laughing at me.

"Finn. Don't worry. I know you and Y/n aren't together. By the way why did you stop coming here? Y/n doesn't talk to us that much." I sigh in relief.

"We got into a fight and then I was stupid and didn't try to contact her again. But now we're good. Well I think."


She gives me a reassuring look and start walking towards the stairs. She suddently stop.

"But you know Finn... I think you two would make a really cute couple." I blush and nod while she goes downstairs. I finally get to the bathroom and take 2 aspirin. I go back to Y/n's room

« Here you go » I say while handing her the aspirins.

« Thanks. » she swallow them and we stay in silence. I feel like we need to talk but I'm really scared. I was about to say something but I got interrupted by her mother screaming from downstairs.


« BYE MOM! »
We hear the door close and we look back at each other.

« Are you hungry? We can make waffles! » she says breaking the awkward moment.

« Sure. »

« Cool just wait for me downstairs I'm gonna change. » I do as she says and wait for her downstairs.

« Sorry it took longer than expected. »

« Oh no it's fine. »
I turn around to see her.

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