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« I'm back mom ! Hey Liam. Tu fait quoi? (What are you doing) » « Allô y/n! Je comprend rien à la télé ici. C'est en anglais. » (I don't understand anything at the tv. It's in English) . Poor Liam. By chance he goes to a school where it speak French. « Attends je vais te mettre Netflix » (Wait I will put Netflix on. ) « Merci! » (thanks). My mom enter in the room. «  Hi mom! » «  Hi! How was it your date with Finn? » « Date? It wasn't a date! » Was it a date? I hope not. I don't want him to think that it was. I started panicking and my mom notices it. « Oh I'm sorry! You're right you were just hanging out as friends and it's perfect like that! » « Yeah.. » I go upstairs, in my room. I take my phone and open Instagram. I see that Finn asked to follow my account. I accept his demand and click on his profil. I look at his pictures. I see that there's a lot of fan accounts of him. I click on one of them and realize that Finn is really talented. He plays guitar really well and he is amazing as actor also. I go on an account call Fack.is.real. There's pictures and video of Finn and a guy call Jack. I think Fack is their ship name. I laugh at a lot of video. Those 2 together are really funny. I follow the account and close Instagram. I open IMessage and text Finn.

🥀- hey! So when will we see each other again?

Finn POV
I look at my phone. « Who is it? » Nick ask. « It's her. She ask when will we see each other again. » « That's great! Text her that you're available when she wants » « okay »
🌿- Hey! I'm always available! Just set a date! 😊
🥀- Okay! I'll tell you when I'll be available!

« Okay thanks Nick but I have to go! I told the stranger things cast I would Skype them. »
I go in my room and open our group chat. I click on the little icon and see Millie's face appears.
« FINNIE!!!! » « Hi Millie! » I see Noah appear on my phone. « Hi guys! » « Hi Noah! » I say.
Millie: you have no idea how much my trip in L.A was fun!
Noah: what maked it so fun?
Millie: more who...
Finn: oooo millie got a crush?

I see Millie on my phone blushes

Millie: it's more than a crush. He is my boyfriend.
Noah: O.M.G ! Will you make it official on instagram??
Millie: I'm not sure. We all now what happened with Jacob..
Finn: yeah. But he was a jerk most of the time so it was understandable.
Millie: FINN! You didn't knew him like I did. Stop saying that.
Finn: I'm sorry Mills.
Noah: okay stop arguing and let's talk about something interesting.
Millie: okay! I talked to you about my boyfriend now tell me. Do you have someone that you like?

I blushed thinking about Y/n and felt my cheeks burning.

Noah: nope but I think finnie here does. Just look at him! *gigles*
Millie: Awwwn finnie boy! This girl must be really cute!
Finn: she is..
Millie: what's her name? Do we know her?
Finn: y/n and no you don't know her. She listened to stranger things but isn't a fan of us really. She just know us but not more than that.
Noah: How did you met her?
Finn: she's the daughter of a friends of my mom. She just moved here.
Millie: Do you have a picture?
Finn: no
Noah: I GOT THE BEST IDEA! What if I trow a party and Millie you bring your boyfriend and Finn bring y/n?
Millie: yes! I can't wait for you to meet him! What about you Finn?

I think for a second. Will she thinks it's weird that I invite her to a party? Will she even want to come?

Finn: I'm not sure.. she's not the most sociable person..
Noah: please.... *begging face*
Finn: *sigh* I'll try but I can't promise anything.
Millie and Noah: YES!
Finn: okay bye guys *gigles* I have to go!
Millie: Bye!
Noah: be a gentlemen when you will invite her! Oh and I Will invite the IT cast is it okay?
Finn: sure! Text everyone on our group chat.

I click on the red icône and end the call. I open the iMessage app

🌿- hey! I know I said that you should text me when you got a date but I got an offer.
🥀- I'm intrigued..
🌿- My friend is throwing a party and I was thinking you could come with me. You could meet new people and I'm sure it will be fun.
🌿- and we are not the kind of people who drink alcohol and do a make out party.

I'm shaking. She's still not answering. I know that she saw it. Maybe she just hated me? Maybe she noticed that I liked her? I'm so nervous.

I stare at my phone. A party? I'm not the party kind of girl. Yes Finn is nice but I just met him. I don't know what type of friends he has. I'm not good at making friends. What if they hate me? I know that Finn is waiting so I just ask:

🥀- When is it?
🌿- I don't know yet.
🥀- I have to think about it.
🌿- ok 👌🏻

Finn POV
She said that she would think about it. So it's not yes but it's not a no. There's hope.

I'm on my bed thinking when my mom knock on the door. « Yes mon you can come in » « hi sweetheart what are you thinking about? » « Finn invited me to a party but i don't know if I should go. » « oh you TOTALLY should! You will make friends! » « wow. My mom who's encouraging me to go to a party with stranger! » I said with a smirk. « You know what I meant! You need to make friends or your life is gonna be boring. » « yeah you're right I'm gonna text Finn. » « talking about him.. are you guys dating or do you have a crush on him or something like that?.. » « what?? NO! We're not dating and how can I like somebody that I saw 2 times in my life? » « it's okay! I understand! » She gets out of my room and I text Finn.

🥀- Okay I'm coming.
🌿- great. This is the address: 456 tulips street. It's in 3 days and I'll pick you up.
🥀- Sounds good to me! See you there!

I think about what my mom said. Do I have a crush on him? I mean he's cute yeah, but do I like him as more than a friend? We'll see.

The Montreal girl (Finn Wolfhard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now