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Timeskip: 1 month later

Summer is almost over. Class will begin in no less than 2 weeks. I will start grade 12, which also means prom. Also, because I just moved here it also means new school, new students. That is the scary part. I managed, I don't know how, to became friend with Finn. It was so easy but Finn is an amazing guy. I'm scared that I will past my last year of high school alone. But the good news is that Mia is coming tonight.

Last time she came, she only stayed 3 days so she didn't have time to have her date with Noah. That is why she is coming back. And also to see me because she knows that I'm really nervous about going to a new school. The date. Ugh. I'm so not comfortable with the idea of Finn being my date. I thinks back of last month. (The parts in italic are throwbacks)

The day after going to the lake..

The doorbell rings. I go downstairs and open the door to see Finn. Damnit. The last person on earth I wanted to see right now.

« Y/n can we talk? »
« Yeah! Get inside » as I say my last sentence I feel like I will throw up. My heart is racing.

« What did you wanted to talk about? » « Why did you left like that yesterday? » I quickly make something up.

« Oh! I just forgot I had an appointment. » « An appointment? » Finn doesn't look like he believes one word of what I'm saying. « Are you sure it's not because of what happened on the rock? » « On the rock?.... » I try to look like I don't know what he's talking about.

« Y/n. Don't act dumb with me. If it's because you felt uncomfortable and didn't know how to react it's okay. I didn't know what it meant either. » I sigh. « I'm sorry Finn that's not what I meant to do I just- » « Y/n. It's okay. Really! » « Friends? » « Duuh » we smile and lock eyes. How did I got so lucky to have a best friend like Finn in my life?

Mia got super close to the cast. We add her in our group and they all can't wait to see her. I'm so excited!

Finn POV
I push on the door bell. Here goes Nothing.

« Y/n can we talk? »
« Yeah! Get inside »
Im so nervous. I know she felt it too. It was so intense.

« What did you wanted to talk about? » « Why did you left like that yesterday? » « Oh! I just forgot I had an appointment. » « An appointment? » I don't believe her. I know she would have remembered if she had an appointment or would at least say where she was going before leaving.

« Y/n. Don't act dumb with me. If it's because you felt uncomfortable and didn't know how to react it's okay. I didn't know what it meant either. »

« I'm sorry Finn that's not what I meant to do I just- »
« Y/n. It's okay. Really! »
« Friends? » « Duuh »
I smile at her to show that everything is okay. Even tho that's not how I feel. I wanted her to say that she realized she had feelings for me. But she's not ready and I respect that. I don't want to push her. I care about her too much to do that.

Our double date is tomorrow. I feel so nervous. It's my first date with Y/n. But the worst part is that for her it's probably not even a date. I decided that that night, I will tell her how I feel about her. After all it's been almost 3 months since I know her and we spend all summer together. We really got to each other. I think she knows me better than most of my friends do. I think it's time I tell her. *Ding* I look at my phone.

🥀- Hey Finn! What are you doing?
🌿- Nothing important. Why?
🥀- Want to go search Mia to the airport with me and the cast?
🌿- Sure I'm coming!

I grab my bag , leave the house and walks to Y/n's house.

Timeskip: The next day.

I get out of the plane and start searching for y/n and the cast. I'm so excited to see them! Especially Noah. We FaceTimed a lot in the past month and I can't wait to see him. The feelings I have for him and getting bigger and bigger. I finally see them. My heart start racing when my eyes meet those hazel eyes. Gosh. How can someone be so cute and hot at the same time? We smile widely and starts walking towards each other. I get to him and we both turn red.

« Hi » He looks as shy as me.
« Hi! » We can't stop smiling. « MIAAAAAAAA!!!! » « Y/N!!!! » Y/n jump in my arms and make me fall. We start laughing and get up.

« How could you go say hi to him first?! I'm your best friend here!!! » I look at Noah who smirks at me. « Well y/n.. I guess I'm just better than you. » « Shut up Noah. » says Y/n who rolls her eyes. « Guys you are all wrong. Sadie is clearly the best here. » I say and starts walking towards Sadie to hug her.

« Hey gurl! » « Hi honey!! » « Well Mia I'm really disappointed in you. » says Y/n. « Sorry not sorry » the rest of the cast all laugh.

« I missed you guys! When did you get in Vancouver? » « Yesterday! » answer Millie. « Someone here couldn't wait to see you. » We all looks at Noah who turns red. « Awwwn look Mia he is blushing. » « That's funny Finn. He looks like you when you see Y/n. » Y/n looks at me with wide eyes and Finn starts blushing.

« Pfff. Yeah. Me and Y/n are only friends. » Y/n looks so uncomfortable. « I think me and Mia should go back to my house so she can rest. She must be really tired after this long road. » I gave Y/n a weird look. « Yeah. I think? » Gaten laugh. « Yeah she seems really tired. » y/n looks like she needs to talk to me. « Shut up Gaten yes I am tired. »

I take Mia by the hand and call an Uber. « Thank you. » « Why did you want to leave so fast? I wanted to have some time with Noah. » I say while pouting. « Because of what you said! » « I'm sorry but Finn attacked Noah. I had to defend him. » « Yeah by attacking me. Thanks. » « I'm sorry y/n. » « Anyway I won't let this ruin our day. We have to get ready for our double date tomorrow so let's go shopping. « YES!!! Good idea!! And we can get our nails done! » « YES!! » We starts jumping like little girls and suddenly stop because everyone is watching us. We get in our Uber and go to the mall.

Timeskip: You are back at your home.

We had so much fun. Our nails are done, we found our outfit and took a lot of pics. I can't wait for Noah to see Mia tomorrow. His jaw is gonna drop. Even if I don't feel anything for Finn, I would still like him to think I'm beautiful tomorrow. You know. Just bring some comfort. I don't know maybe it's all stupid. Mia is already asleep but I can't. There's too much going on in my mind.

🥀- Finn? Are you awake?
🌿- Yes
🥀- I'm nervous for tomorrow..

I'm scared of his reaction.

🌿- Don't be. It's all gonna be fine don't worry. You won't be uncomfortable. ❤️
🥀- That's all what I needed. Thanks ❤️

I finally posted! Be ready for next chapter because it's the double date. Some exciting stuff. 😏😁
Btw thanks to everyone who reads my story ❤️

The Montreal girl (Finn Wolfhard x reader)Where stories live. Discover now