The Tournament Begins Part 2

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Yo, it's objudge125 and this is another chapter of "The Darkest Lord."

If you like it, make sure you vote this chapter. Leave any suggestions or questions in the comment section and I'll gladly answer them. Don't forget to follow me as well.

I have another story that I dropped about a week ago called "Percy Jackson: The New Avenger." If you want, you can go check it out. Hope you like this chapter.

The day had come. The day that the tournament's participants would be chosen. All day in classes, that was the only thing anybody would talk about. Harry didn't really care about the tournament so he didn't participate in the conversations.

In the library, it was the same thing.

"Harry, who do you think will be Hogwarts champion?" Blaise asked him.

"Either Cedric Diggory or Angelina" he answered.

"What about the other schools?" Blaise asked again.

"Well obviously Krum for Durmstrang" Theodore cut in. "And that beautiful French girl. What's her name? Flower?"

"It's Fleur" Harry said.

"Yeah, Fleur" Theo said. 'She is a freaking knockout.. What I would do to be with her..."

Harry suddenly felt a great amount of anger bubbling up inside him.  He forced it down, though, and tried to keep his facial expression neutral, as he noticed Blaise was looking at him.

"I just can't wait for this tournament to start" Daphne said. "Finally some entertainment in this place." Harry grimaced. He had had way too much "entertainment" in this school.

The bell rang, signalling the end of the period. It was time for dinner. The group quickly packed their things and hurried to dinner. Harry, though, took his time. The tournaent wasn't that important to him.

Suddenly, a voice behind him said, "Hey Harry. He turned around and saw Fleur. He  tried to stop himself from blushing as she smiled at him.

"Hey" he said. "You nervous?"

"Nah" she said. "There's nothing to be nervous about. If I make it I make it and if I don't make it I don't make it."

"Well I'm rooting for you" Harry said. Fleur smiled at him. Then she gave him a hug.

"Thank you" she said. Harry was frozen in shock. He was even more surprised when she kissed him on the cheek and walked out of the library.

Harry stood there, frozen for about two straight minutes before Madam Pince forced him to get out of the library.

He walked down to the great hall, still a bit dazed. He sat down at his usual spot at the Gryffindor table. "Oooooh I'm so excited" Hermione squealed. Harry sighed, getting slightly annoyed.

The meal went by fast for everyone in the school. When all the plates disappeared, Dumbledore stood up and started making his speech. Harry started dozing off after a couple minutes.

He was shaken awake by Hermione a couple of minutes later. "Harry, Harry" Hermione said. Harry opened his eyes and looked around.

"What? Is it over? Good, I'm tired" he said.

"No Harry, your name came out of the goblet!" Hermione said. Harry looked confused.

"What do you mean my name came out of the goblet?" Harry asked. "You're joking. Wake me up when dinner is over." He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2018 ⏰

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