********Taylor POV********
We just sit on my bed, thinking about what just happened. I fix my hair self consciously. Jake's face brightens.
"Get dressed. In something nice." He says. Then he walks into his room. Okaaaay. I put on my football jersey and some skinny jeans. Then after looking around my closet, I decide to wear ankle boots.
It actually looks quite good, considering that I'm wearing my jersey. Jake comes out wearing a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt with nice, casual shoes. He raises his eyebrows when he sees my jersey.
"Change." He commands me.
"Fine but personally, I think that this looks pretty good." I say, sticking my tongue out at him. He just rolls his eyes. I take my jersey off, with him standing right there. He stares.
"You like?" I ask. He nods. Then we both start laughing. He looks in my closet as well.
"How about this?" He asks, pulling out a sky blue crop top. I make a face, but put it on anyways. Then I step in front of the mirror. I look hotttt. I brush my hair so that its down.
And Jake can't stop staring. He puts his arm around my waist, pulling me close. I tense because of what happened earlier today. Then I remember, its just Jake and I relax.
"Where are we going?" I ask.
"The movies." He replies, getting into his truck. I hop in the passenger seat.
"Why?" I question.
"I thought it might take your mind off.....things. This is okay, right?" He asks, glancing at me.
"Of course. It's perfect." I reply. It takes about 45 minutes to get to the movie theater. I don't even know where the theatre is. I've never been to this one before. When we walk inside, all the guys, even ones with dates, can't stop staring at me. Jake glares at them, then takes my hand.
"We might as well play the part since everyone already thinks you're my girlfriend." He whispers. I laugh and nod.
"What do you wanna see?" He asks.
"Hmmmmm. Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes." I reply.
"And that's why you're my girlfriend." He says, winking at me.
"Two tickets to Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes." Jake says, stepping up to the counter.
"I got it." I say, pulling out my wallet. "Tay-" Jake says, but I cut him off.
"I got it this time." I say.
"Fine." He says, sighing.
"But you get the snacks." I say, laughing. He sticks his tongue out at me, which makes me laugh harder.
"Here you go." The ticket guy says, handing us our tickets. He smiles at me, then glares at Jake. Jake pretends to punch him, and the guy jerks back. We both start laughing, while he turns red. When we walk away, I glare at him over my shoulder. Jake orders a medium popcorn, large sprite, large root beer, skittles, and twizzlers.
Then we walk in and take our seats. Someone taps my shoulder and I turn around and see the entire football team.
"Well, I guess we weren't invited." I say to Zach.
"You were supposed to be. But we couldn't get ahold of you guys. Wait, are you guys on a daaaaate?" Zach asks, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Maybe." Jake and I both say. Then of course, Jake has to put his arm around me.
"We are definitely on a date." Jake says, while I blush.
"Sorry to interrupt. We'll leave you alone so you can make out or whatever." Zach says, his eyes full of understanding.
"We weren't gonna-" Jake starts, but I cut him off by kissing him. The whole football team goes stares at us and Garrett starts whistling. Like in a movie. I smile at them. They all just stare at me. Maybe it was a stupid move to kiss him. Jake is my best friend and I don't know. Maybe he didn't want to take the girlfriend act that far.

One Of The Guys
Teen FictionTaylor is the quarterback and the captain of the boys varsity football team. All the guys think of her as one of them. They treat her as though she were one of them. But they don't know why she plays. They assume that she just loves the sport. And t...