A White Christmas, In Jail... Part Two

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A/N: Make sure to read part one before part two please...

Anya woke up on a hard bed, not knowing where she was, or what had happened. Her tired eyes fluttered open, as she realized she was surrounded by cold metal bars.

"How could I have been so foolish to stall around so much where Vlad and Dmitry lived?I should've known I'd end up in jail..." She thought to herself. The chilly air made Anya's teeth chatter as she arose from the somewhat "bed".

A sudden voice startled her, " Anya,"-

" Where is Dmitry and Vlad?" She clenched her fist.

" No need to get feisty, they're going to get what they deserve." The man came out of the shadows in the prison; it was Gleb...

Anya cringed, " Gleb."

" I can see you're uncomfortable, so I'll have my soldiers find a suitable place for you to stay here," Gleb got his keys. Anya rolled her eyes and wondered why he was letting her leave her prison cell.

" Why are you doing this, wasn't I involved with Dmitry and Vlad Popov?" Her eyebrows knitted together.

His brown eyes pierced into hers, " You, Anya, are just a helpless girl... I'm sure we can talk about it later."

" Helpless, sure," Anya thought to herself, annoyed. She didn't want to stay here , she needed to escape, and help Vlad and Dmitry... Dmitry was a prick, but he was warming up to her... and Vlad was nothing but kind to Anya. Gleb led her to his office, making Anya uneasy with the door being shut. This man was dangerous, he could kill her if he wanted.

He cleared his throat, " So these illegal men, what have they been up to?"

" Shouldn't you know," she snapped.

Gleb chuckled, " Foolish little girl." She bit her tongue, she was not a little girl!

" Where are they," Anya crossed her arms.

" In jail, where else?"

Anya sighed deeply and asked, " I'd like to be taken to my room."

Gleb looked disappointed, " Rest, then we'll talk." She nodded and was led by a Russian guard to the small plain room. Anya shut the wooden door and thought of a plan to save Dmitry and Vlad.

* * *
It was two days later when Anya was going to put her plan into action. The usual guard would lead her to either Gleb, or outside with supervision. This time Anya would charm Gleb and get the prison key she remembered on his coat pocket; then she'd find a rock outside and throw it at her guards head, then hurry to the criminal's and get the two out... it would be difficult, but she could do it.
The guard opened her locked door to her room and spoke, " Gleb would like to speak to you today." She nodded, almost trying to hide her nervousness of her plan. The walk to his almost empty office wasn't to long, which didn't give her a lot of time to plan her, Dmitry, and Vlad's escape. Gleb smiled at the young woman and stood there, excusing the guards.

" How was you're nights rest?" Gleb asked her.

She batted her eyelashes, " Couldn't be better..."

" Good, I,"-

Anya interrupted, " Oh Gleb, you look very attractive today as usual." Gleb didn't know what to do yet. She moved closer to him and saw the key dangling from his pocket. All she did was kiss him on the cheek, but Gleb moved to her lips. She cringed, but was able to make it look she was pulling at his uniform, but actually was stealing the key. Anya slipped it into her pocket, and pulled away.

" That was..." Gleb's eyes twinkled.

Anya smiled, " In every way perfect... I must get some fresh air outside."

" I'd like to see you tonight dear," Gleb grabbed her hand. She couldn't stay here she had to leave. She nodded and exited his office, feeling like her plan was going smoothly. The guard led her outside and she wandered a little until she found a round medium sized rock. As she clenched it in her palm, she almost felt guilty for using Gleb, and that she was about to throw a rock at a soldier. She never knew Gleb had those feelings for her, but she had to save the men that would take her to find her family in Paris.

She yelled, " A prisoner!" The guard quickly turned around as she aimed the rock at the bottom of his head.

" I'm sorry," she almost whispered throwing it at full speed at his head. The man fell down on the ground and she ran. Quickly moving making sure she was not being able to be found out, Anya sped-walked to the prison door. She used the key to open the room that she saw Dmitry being shoved into when Gleb led her to a nicer room two days ago. The door opened and she saw one guard who was now distracted by Dmitry who saw her, and started banging on his bars.
While he was doing so, she helped Vlad out of the prison door, she slid the key to Dmitry, Vlad knocked the man out using his shoe.

" Anya," Dmitry smiled and so did Vlad.

Vlad grinned, " How can we repay you?"

Anya shrugged, " By us getting to Paris."

A/N: Hope you all liked this chapter, I tried... Again shout out to GracelynCate , who requested this Imagine idea, thank you so much GracelynCate 😘!

Sincerely, Eme ✌️💕

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