Goodbye - Kind of the last chapter idk

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Derek Klena's POV:

I sat down with my wife, Elycia, and smiled at her. We both decided to get tickets for the last showing of Anastasia to support John and Christy. Granted it brought back memories of the good old times, and what could of been with a certain someone. I was married, extremely happy in fact, but of course I remember some things of my past. Christy was just a friend, that's what she was. It was good that way because we're both happy. She's engaged, I'm married, happy life. I don't like thinking about it, I'M MARRIED for Pete's sake.

Christy Altomare's POV:

I fixed my makeup, and looked at myself in the mirror. Last show. Last night. I was going to cry tonight, I just knew it. This was my life for about three years. I was going to miss it terribly. Talking with the cast, eating candy, getting fan mail, everything about the musical. Yes things changed when some of the original cast members left, but there still was some good times. I loved this role, it was a dream to portray this character, it was over. It was time to go on stage for the 808th time. Make the best of it Christy.

Derek Klena's POV:

(Skip to the last curtain call...)

I clapped loudly, so did my wife at the outstanding last performance. The entire cast came out one by one on stage. Cody came out, and then Christy came onto the stage. They all held hands and bowed. The director came on stage and handed Christy a bouquet of flowers. Christy's bittersweet expression made me feel the sadness of it all since it was the last show. It's hitting me now, obviously more her than me. The show ended all to fast, and my wife and I arose from the seats and went to the stage door. I went through the people, and saw John.
"John!" I shouted.
He looked over at me and smiled, "Derek, you made it!" We both hugged, even though there was a gate in between us.
"Outstanding job tonight!" I shouted over the crowds of screaming people.
John nodded, "Thank you." I grinned, and my wife said a few words to John about the performance. I greeted most of the cast, shaking hands, and having conversations here and there. Then Christy came out.

Christy Altomare's POV:

My eyes were still red from tears, I didn't care. I was going to cry, sign playbills, and talk with my fans. Eventually I caught a glimpse of someone, Derek?
"Christy!" I heard him yell.
I grinned from ear to ear, "Derek! I'm so glad you could come!" We both hugged and continued to talk.
Derek spoke, "You did amazing tonight! It was such a good performance."
"Thank you," I held my heart, trying to not get emotional. I smiled at his wife, and didn't get one back (not meant to trash anyone here 😂). I waved goodbye to Derek, and kept continuing signing playbills, and taking photos. I stayed doing that for five hours! It was crazy but worth it. I loved everyone so much, and would miss the memories. Goodbye Anastasia, it was nice knowing you.

(Link for the last curtain call. BE PREPARED TO BE DEPRESSED! I WAS...)

A/N: Wow that sucked. It wasn't really an imagine because there wasn't any romance because uh, you know why. She's engaged, he's married, and that's just wrong. I know this probably wasn't accurate to what they were actually thinking, but I tried. I felt like I should have more of a closure to this book since I probably won't be continuing it, so I wrote this short chapter. Anyways thank you all for reading. For getting this book to 3k! Holy guacamole that's crazy! Love you guys 💚☺️. Have an amazing rest of your day! Just keep in mind, I MIGHT CONTINUE THE BOOK I HAVE NO IDEA.

@earlofgreytea 💛

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2019 ⏰

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