I present to you... ANOTHER A/N 😂!

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Hello Readers 👋!

I can't believe how long it's been since I last updated this story. Obliviously this is another author's note that makes everyone smile. *ahem* clearly not. I can't write Demya & Klentomare imagines/one-shots anymore, it is for some reason really difficult. I have lost the motivation to even write anything, especially the Klentomare imagines. Clearly Derek has been married for awhile now, Christy got engaged, and the chemistry we all remember has left our minds 😞.

I also really can't fangirl about Anastasia on Broadway anymore. It's just not the same. It hasn't been since Derek left. I sound so rude to say I don't enjoy Anastasia anymore, I do, but only the fond memories and good opinions that I had not even a year ago about it. I still love the old Anastasia on Broadway, but I have to say...


This book is completed!


I didn't even write a lot in this book, but I don't even update anymore. So from now on, enjoy the very few badly written things I did write, and hope that someday I can maybe update the imagines or one-shots. Probably won't, but who knows. I would like to the thank the readers that got this book to 2k! Yay!

Special Thanks:
GracelynCate for being an inspiration.

@earlofgreytea 🖤

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