Chapter 4

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     I decided to get to school early today. Today is the day I'm going to tell my friends and Liam my decision. I'm so scared but I know I have to face this sooner or later and I choose sooner. I can't stand the thought of my friends being worried and Liam sad. I looked for Trixie and Trisha as soon as I can.

"Hey!" I said.

Trish and Trixie were at the cafeteria at our usual spot.

"Hey!" they simultaneously replied.

"So?" Trixie asked.

"I think I'm going to help him. I can't stand seeing your cousin all sad and lovesick," I said.

"But Abby," Trixie replied.

"I know and that's what's really holding me back. What exactly did Abby do to Liam anyways that made you and Trish hate her?" I asked.

"She ruined him. Ever since they dated, his grade plummeted down from all A's to all C's. He's even lucky to get a B-. He started to act really wild throwing all these wild parties and cheese. It's just-" Trixie said.

"Ever since they broke up, Liam started to become better again. But now Abby has been sending him mixed signals and it's just. We hate seeing Liam suffer. Me, Trix, and Liam has known each other for like forever. We've been friends since we were little. We've been there for each other's ups and downs. Liam has been through a lot. We don't want him to hurt again," Trish replied.

"I don't want to hurt anybody. I just want the three of you to be happy," I said.

"Jasz, we're sorry. We're not trying to drag you into all this Abby drama or anything. You don't have to help Liam," Trixie said, trying to comfort me.

"But I promised. That's the thing," I replied.

"Wait guys, I know how to deal with this," Trish said.

"How?" I asked.

"If Liam actually see how bad Abby really is, maybe he would be turned off and leave her," Trish said.

"I don't understand," I said.

"If Liam and Abby got back together, maybe then Liam can see who Abby actually is!" Trixie said, excited.

"Wait. But you're the one who told me that even back then Liam knows that Abby is this horrible human being and stuff even before they started dating. So how is them being together again help Liam snap out of it?" I asked.

"Hhmm. Good point," Trish said.

"Or maybe during the time when Jasz is helping Liam, maybe Liam would realize that maybe who he wants is Jasz and not Abby!" Trixie exclaimed.

"We can make Liam fall in love with Jasz instead of Abby!" Trish added.

"No!" I shouted. Shocked and horror filled my voice.

Both Trish and Trixie looked at me.

"I am not going to trick Liam or anybody into liking me. That's wrong!" I said, my voice shaking. "Besides, if he really wants Abby then let it be. I don't want to mess with anyone's feelings. That is not me."

"I'm sorry." Trixie said in a low voice.

"Yeah we're sorry. We're not trying to upset you or anything. We just got carried away. We're sorry." Trish said apologetically.

"That's not us. Of course! We would never let you or anyone do that. And we've never done that or will ever do that. I'm sorry," Trixie added.

They looked really sad and apologetic. I know they're really sorry.

"I might have also over reacted. I'm sorry girls. It's just that-" From there I started talking to them about my past, who I was, and who I am now and what made me change schools and everything. I also told them the real reason why I'm uneasy about helping Liam in addition to the things I said earlier.

The next thing I know is that all the three of us were crying.

"Jasz," Trixie said.

We started to hug each other.

"It's okay," I told them.

"So what now?" Trish said after we finally got a hold of ourselves.

"I think you should help Liam. Besides, a promise is a promise," Trixie said.

"And hopefully he gets tired of trying to get Abby back and move on," Trish added.

I nodded.

"Look Jasz," Trixie said, looking at me. "It's your decision. Either way, we will be here."

"You guys are right. A promise is a promise. I'm going to help Liam. And I'm really hoping that he'll eventually get over this Abby thing," I said.

"We hope so too." both Trish and Trixie said.

We smiled at each other and went to Advisory together.


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