Chapter 13

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     I think back about what happened between Liam and I last night. I knew I felt something. Something different. I grabbed my phone that's been sitting on my desk next to my bed and decided to call Trixie.


"Jasz?" Trixie asked.

"I need to talk to you," I said.

"It's 4:30 in the morning girl. Can we do this during advisory?"

"It's really important," I pleaded. "I think I'm falling for Liam."

I gasped. Did that just seriously went out of my mouth?

"W- what?" Trixie said, baffled. "Okay I'll be there."

"Thank you so much you're such a great friend," I replied before hanging up.

I pulled my blanket closer to me. What is this I'm feeling? I can't fall for Liam. I just can't! Oh God, not again. I decided to get out of bed and take a shower to get ready for school. The warm water rushes through my skin. It feels almost like it flushes everything that's been bothering me, everything but my enigmatic feelings for Liam. I sighed. After brushing my teeth, I went to my walk in closet and chose an outfit to wear to school. I simply grabbed a plain white v-neck shirt and some blue jeans which I paired with a navy blue converse. I braided the side of my hair and called it a day. I decided to fix my bed as I wait for Trixie when I saw Liam's jacket. I look at it for a second and decided to wear it to school.

About close to an hour later, I heard a car pulled over our driveway. That must be Trixie.

I immediately run downstairs to open the door when I saw both Trish and Trixie.

"Hey girl!" Trish and Trixie both exclaimed.

"Trixie told me all about it," Trish said, as she gave me a hug. "Are you okay?"

"I decided to bring Trish since she literally just lives just across the street from where I live," Trixie said. "I hope you don't mind."

"Of course not," I said as I gave her a hug. "You two are my best friends."

We went upstairs to my bedroom and started talking.

"Alright girl friend start talking!" Trish said, excitedly.

"I don't know," I honestly replied. "I'm confused. I think I might be falling for Liam."

Trish and Trixie let out a high pitched squeal.

"I knew it!" Trish said, enthusiastically. "I've been betting on you two since day 1! You two are totes going to make a cute couple."

I smiled regretfully.

"I'm afraid we can't be together," I replied.

"Why not?" Trixie whined. "I liked you for Liam. I liked you more than Abby or anyone else for him. You're not just a great friend but you're also a such a great person. You're not selfish and you care about others. You just bring out the best in people. You have a great personality and a big heart Jasz. Plus, I'm totally on team Liam and Jasmine!"

"Totally!" Trish agreed.

"Like I said, I don't know. I'm still quite confused. I'm not totally sure sure that I'm in love with Liam but I know I'm falling," I said. "And I don't want to fall."

"Why not?" Trixie said, giving me a concerned look.

"I don't want to be hurt again," I replied softly.

"Jasmine!" Trish whined. "You know Liam is different."

"I guess. But what if I hurt him?" I asked.

"How?" Trish asked.

"Look guys, what if Liam find out that I'm falling for him? What will he think? It will ruin our frienship and I would rather not have that happened," I replied. "And besides, he's in love with Abby and I have no plans in changing that. I'm his friend and I will support him."

"Even if it hurts?" Trixie asked.

"Even if it hurts," I replied, as I choke in my own tears.

Trish and Trixie both moved closer to hug me.

"I'm sorry girls," I said. "It's just, I didn't know I would end up falling for him. If I knew I wouldn't have said yes. I'm such a stupid person and a horrible friend! This will certainly kill my friendship with Liam."

"Shhhh," Trixie said, trying to calm me down. "I don't think it will, trust me."

"He might think I'm doing this because I liked him the first time or something and think I might sabotage his relationship with Abby and stuff," I said, between tears.

"Look Jasz, what are you saying?" Trixie said. "That's non sense. We both know you didn't like Liam that way the first time you met him. You just simply fell for him and that's not your fault. It's nobody's fault."

"Look Jasz," Trish added. "Trixie is right. Did you even liked Liam even before you two started this whole pretend boyfriend/girlfriend thing for him to get Abby back?"

"No," I whispered.

"Then you're okay," Trish replied.

"Do you still want to keep going with Liam?" Trixie asked. "Because you don't have to."

"I promised him," I replied.

Trish gave me an exhausted look then smiled.

"Sometimes I wish Liam just falls for you and get over Abby. That'll sure make everyone happy."

I smiled at her.

"Trish, you know I would never make Liam fall in love with me. I would rather hurt and sacrifice my feelings for him rather than not see him happy. And if Abby brings him happiness, then I'm happy. I would rather see Liam happy."

I looked at both of my best friends and said, "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. Thank you for being there for me."

"Aaawww," both Trish and Trixie replied as they give me a hug. "We're your best friends, we'll be there for you always."

"I know," I replied as I gave both of them a smile.

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