Chapter 4

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'Ok he hurt Jackson, not that I'm broken up about that, and he almost killed me. Not to mention that anyone could have seen him on the field. Derek he can't play in Saturday's game. He'd be putting everyone in danger, including you and himself.' Derek was in my room again and we were discussing what happened at practice earlier on.
'I know that already. Are you okay? He didn't hurt you again, did he?' Derek asked.
'No, Sourwolf, seriously he just freaked me out a little is all, I wasn't expecting it. That wasn't Scott.' I shuddered. 'Hey, why do your eyes glow a different colour when you change? Is it like an individual thing?' I questioned, curious.
Derek's scowl deepened. 'It's not individual. Beta's and Omega's eyes are gold, like Scott's and an Alpha's eyes are always red.'
'What do blue eyes mean Derek?' I prompted.
'When a werewolf's eyes are blue, it means that they've killed someone.' He looked up at me. 'I killed someone Stiles.' His eyes radiated such pain, such sadness that I could feel it, pressing around me, it was suffocating, and I knew it was only a fraction of what he felt.
'It was a mercy killing. Wasn't it?' I asked. He nodded with surprise on his face. 'Then, as I already stated, you are no killer Derek. You helped someone to find peace, granted their final request, knowing it would take something from you, something profound. That's admirable. You must have truly loved her.' The pain and sadness were still there but less intense.
'I did, I really did. God, it hurts, so much. How do you always know Stiles, how?'
'I feel it.' My explanation was simple and yet didn't really make sense. 'Especially with you. It's so much stronger with you. Like just now. I could feel a suffocating pain and sadness, but I could just sense what it was that had happened.' I was using my hands as I was explaining. 'But let's talk about something a little less depressing. Scott looked like some sort of wolf man, is that what the transformation always looks like?' I changed the topic.
'No. We can control it, like just having our claws extend, or our eyes glow. Then there's the transformation Scott made, that's sort of a halfway point, the one we're most likely to go to in anger. Finally there's the full transformation, this is one that takes a little more skill and practice, where we can actually turn into a wolf. We are slightly larger than an average wolf and our eyes still glow our respective colours though.' He explained it all very scientifically. My eyes were blown wide.
'You can turn into an actual wolf? I don't believe you.' I stated. He rolled his eyes.
'You believe in werewolves but not one that can turn into an actual wolf?' He scoffed.
'This is not Twilight, people can't turn into wolves.' I was playing him and I knew it was working. Derek Hale could not resist a challenge.
'Fine.' He got off of the bed, and walked out of the room. 'I'm not getting undressed in here, I'll be right back.' I grinned to myself, hook, line and sinker.
It wasn't long before I could hear the soft padding of paws, and then he was in my room, he paused in the centre of it to let me really look at him. He was, as he had said, a little larger than the average wolf. Jet black with glowing blue eyes, he was absolutely breathtaking. I held my hand out a little and he came towards me, slowly and carefully. He bumped his muzzle against my hand, before rubbing against it. I stroked through his fur and watched as his eyes slipped closed. I rubbed his head and then slipped from my seat onto the floor beside him. He soon curled up next to me with his head on my lap.
'I think I might just believe you now. You know if I was a werewolf I think I'd just stay in that form all the time. So much easier than being human. I wouldn't have to deal with school, other people, my ADD, I'd just be able to live. It must be amazing. My dad wouldn't have to worry about me, or work so much to pay for my meds, it would be easier for everyone.' I was just rambling, finding it even easier to talk to Derek in this form. I heard a low pitched whine and looked down to see Derek looking at me with sad eyes. He whined again and rubbed against me in a comforting manner. 'I know my life is nothing like your's and I know all teenagers feel like they have the hardest life, but I really do feel like that sometimes. Ever since my mom died... my dad has been working more than ever to pay off mom's and my medical bills, school is just stress and my ADD makes everything so much harder...and it's not like my life will get any easier I have a feeling that this is just the beginning.' I was pathetic and I knew it but it felt good to get it all off of my chest. 'Wow, I'm sorry I totally just unloaded a bunch of crap on you.'
Derek got up and padded out of the room. He returned minutes later back in his human form and sat down in front of me.
'Stiles. Your life has been hard, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. And yes while there are good parts to being a werewolf, it's not easy and it can be dangerous, for us and for those we care about. And your dad would always worry about you. Like you said, we're pack now and that isn't something to be taken lightly. Pack isn't something you can totally understand if you're not one of us but... we become family, but it's more than that... we protect, we comfort, we nurture, we fight for each other and ultimately we would die for one another. It's a bond that is indescribable.' I didn't need him to describe it, I could feel it, through him, he was projecting it.
'I can feel it Derek. You feel it so I can feel it. It's incredible. I want that Derek, I need that, it feels like being whole Derek. I think I can understand why wolves seek that out.' It was such an insane feeling.
'Like being whole... yes, that is what pack is. Its being complete, content, its safety.' He sounded wistful. 'But we've gone way off track. Scott can't play that game. You need to convince him to pull out.' Derek steered the conversation back to the issue at hand,.
'I can't, he won't listen to me. You need to do the convincing, in usual Sourwolf fashion. Scowl, throw him into a wall and threaten him. Should work wonders.' I mused.
He grinned, a slow, predatory smile. 'It would be my pleasure.'

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