Chapter 11

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Derek's P.O.V.
I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face at Stiles' message. I looked down at him and he looked so peaceful, beautiful. I made sure he was tucked safely into my side as he slept.
Talking with Deaton had made things a little clearer and a lot more complicated. I mean the fact that Stiles was my mate? It was amazing but I didn't know how he would react to that. I had decided to wait to tell him until we were closer, until we knew each other better. I was already in deep with this, falling fast and hard for the sarcastic boy next to me.
I was worried though, about whatever it was that Scott said, he hurt my Stiles. He was blocking me out of his mind as well and while I understood his reasons it still hurt that he didn't want to let me in. I was still unable to sense his emotions, other than by smell, but I seemed to have better control over the mental link which we shared.
I sighed and began running my hand through Stiles' hair as he slept peacefully. I was almost tempted to sleep myself but wanted to keep watch over him. It was sometime later that the front door opened and I knew that it was the Sheriff coming home. I knew that there was no way to move without waking up Stiles so I decided that I was just going to stay like this, I knew the Sheriff thought that something was going on between us so I assumed that seeing us like this wouldn't faze him too much. I kept stroking through Stiles' hair and kept him settled against me as his dad walked into the living room and stopped short upon seeing us. I quietly raised a finger on my free hand to my lips and indicated that he should remain quiet as his son slept. He nodded silently, and smiled at us before leaving the room and heading up the stairs. I grinned to myself, it would appear that his father approved of us. That would make things much easier.
I fell asleep with that grin still on my face and my arms around my Stiles.
It was much later when I woke to Stiles thrashing around in my arms, sweat coating his body as he moved from side to side. I was immediately on guard and sat up with him still in my arms. I lightly shook him.
'Stiles, come on, Stiles.' He didn't wake. 'Come on baby, please wake up.' He stirred slightly so I tried a different method. Through the mental bond I pushed a message. Wake up Baby.
He startled awake almost instantly. 'W-what?' He asked blearily as he shook a little still.
'You were having a nightmare. Sounded bad, I was trying to wake you.' I blushed slightly when I realised that I had been calling him baby, but it had slipped out in a moment of blind panic. 'You're still shaking. Are you okay?' I asked as I rubbed my hand up and down his arm in a soothing manner.
'I'm not sure. I... It was... Bad. But I'm feeling better.' He replied. He had stopped shaking and was getting as close to me as he could, like he was subconsciously seeking the strength and comfort I provided.
'Hey, you're safe now.' I assured him.
'I know. Wait a second... Did you call me baby?' He asked curiously. I flushed red.
'Maybe?' I replied. 'It just kind of slipped out.' I answered.
'Why would that just slip out? And wow are you blushing?' He teased lightly. I blushed harder.
'It just did, I was worried about you and it slipped out, sorry.' I said back.
'Don't be sorry, I'm not mad. I'm simply curious. And tired, let's go up to bed.' He said before attempting to wiggle his way out of my arms. I released him and got up from the sofa before letting Stiles lead the way up the stairs.
Once we made it to his room Stiles stripped down to his boxers before sluggishly pulling on some pyjama pants and sliding into his bed, I simply tugged off my shirt and climbed in next to him. Stiles moved towards me until his head was on my chest and I slid my arms around him.
'Sleep well Stiles.' I said before we both slipped into a deep, peaceful sleep.
Author's Note.
Short and sweet.

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