Chapter 8

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Derek's P.O.V.
It had to be her, and it had to be a wolfsbane bullet. I had to find Stiles, I hadn't seen him since the day before and I hadn't come to his house last night as I was too busy getting shot. But I knew I needed him now so I was stumbling through the High School trying to find him, I had already thrown Jackson into some lockers, just because he's always a prick to Stiles. I staggered out into the parking lot and threw myself in front of Stiles' Jeep. He stopped the car just before hitting me and I collapsed to the ground.
'Derek!' I heard Stiles scrambling towards me. I glanced at him as he reached me. 'Dude your eyes are flashing, stop that.' I weakly shook my head.
'I can't. It's the poison I can't control anything. It's going to kill me Stiles.' I watched as his eyes widened.
'She said you had 48 hours.' Scott said from beside me. I hadn't even noticed he was there. 'The woman who shot you that is.'
I could hear people getting annoyed that the Jeep was in the way and the boys obviously noticed as they pulled me to my feet and got me into the Jeep. Stiles got into the driver's seat.
'Scott, you need to find the bullet. She's an Argent, start there. And Scott- I will die without that bullet.' He nodded and Stiles started to drive away.
'I guess this explains why I've felt like I was dying all day.' Stiles commented as he drove. 'And why I didn't see you last night. How bad is the pain?' He asked quietly- as if he didn't already know the answer.
'Bad and getting worse.' I said as another wave of pain hit and I let out a low whimper. Stiles immediately pulled over. He looked at me with a calculating look in his eyes. 'Say it, whatever you're thinking.'
'I just want to try something is all.' He said before he leaned over and took my hand in his before closing his eyes. Nothing happened for a minute and then I felt a slight pressure in my head before the pain lessened and became so much easier to bear. I looked down and saw that Stiles had black veins. I pulled my hand from his quickly. His eyes snapped up to mine, with both confusion and pride swirling in them.
'What did you just do, Stiles? Setting aside the fact that what you just did shouldn't be possible- I don't want you taking my pain.' I told him seriously.
He scoffed. 'Hypocrite, you took my pain, remember? At least tell me if you feel a little better?' He asked quietly.
'I do, thank you Stiles. Can you phone Scott and see how he's doing? I don't have long.' I saw him flinch and my heart tightened. 'Sorry, not good at sugar coating things.' I rolled up my sleeve to look at the bullet wound. It was black and it looked like the infection was spreading.
I heard Stiles gag, 'God, is that infectious? I'm calling Scott, he needs to fix you like now.' He pulled out his phone and started dialling.
'Scott please tell me you found it, I'm seriously getting worried here.' I glanced up at that, I could smell his worry in the air.
'Dude they have tons of bullets here it's like an armoury.' I heard Scott reply.
'Just find it, Derek says he doesn't have long.' Stiles' voice was tight with worry.
'I'll find it. Take Derek to the animal clinic, it has medical supplies and Deaton will be gone by now. The spare key is in a box behind the dumpster. Stiles don't worry, I won't let him die.' Stiles simply murmured his agreement and then hung up the phone. 'In any other circumstance I would be able to appreciate the irony that I'm taking you to an animal clinic but right now, not so much.' Stiles commented as he started to drive towards the clinic.
I chuckled weakly before coughing a little, I was becoming quite weak. 'Believe me I'm right there with you.'
Stiles helped me out of the Jeep and then left me leaning against a wall while he got the key and unlocked the door. Minutes later I found myself leaning against the exam table in the clinic while Stiles paced. I pulled my shirt off in order to better see the wound. I looked up at Stiles and saw him stood frozen, staring at my body.
'Stiles as much as I want to comment on that right now we have some bigger problems.' I moved and started going through drawers looking for anything to help with my back up plan. I found a tube and tied it around my arm above where the wound was. 'If the infection reaches my heart I will die. Since it looks like Scott isn't going to get here in time, I need you to help me with the back up plan.' I didn't want to ask him to do this but I felt like there was no other choice.
'Does the word positivity even exist in your vocabulary?' He asked.
I ignored this and moved on. 'I need you to cut off my arm Stiles.' I stated calmly. I saw his eyes get wide and his heartbeat doubled as he started to shake his head.
'Derek no. I physically cannot do that.' I could sense his pain at even the thought of having to do that to me.
'Stiles, believe me I don't want to have to ask you to do this but either you cut off my arm or I die. I'll heal if my arm is gone.' I said quietly, pleading with him. I suddenly choked and turned away from him to throw up- what looked like black blood was all that came up.
'What the hell is that?' Stiles gagged.
'My body's poor attempt at healing itself. It has to be now Stiles.' I leaned heavily on the table and handed him a medical saw that was lying around.
'Oh god. Okay.' He was pale as he placed the saw on my arm. It was just then that we heard Scott yell as he walked in. Stiles sighed in relief and practically threw the saw away from himself as he said something to Scott about nightmares but I barely noticed as the world around me faded to black.
I woke suddenly with a stinging pain in my cheek and Stiles leaning over me.
'Oh god. Come on I'll help you up. I swear I only hit you because you wouldn't wake up. And I'm really sorry.' He pulled me up and supported me as I stood. I nodded in response to his words too weak to reply.
Scott came over and handed the bullet to me. I took the powder out of it and then I pulled the lighter from my pocket, after burning the powder I shoved it into my wound and growled lowly as pain lanced through my veins. I heard Stiles letting out a low groan, I knew that he was feeling the pain I was. Eventually though the pain faded to a dull ache and I was able to push it to the back of my mind.
'I don't know how you were still on your feet. I mean I passed out, how come you didn't?' I asked Stiles, looking over at him.
'No idea. I mean you obviously have a higher pain threshold. Maybe I was getting a lower dose of the pain? Either way thank god it's gone it was like toothache times ten.' He commented trying to joke to lighten the tension. 'You are ok now though right, besides the remaining pain, I mean.' He checked.
'I'm fine Stiles.' I assured him.
'I'm confused. What's going on?' Scott piped up. Stiles' eyes suddenly sparked and I could smell his anger as he faced Scott.
'Your girlfriend's family almost killed Derek is what's going on.' He seethed.
'Alison has nothing to do with this and it's not my fault that Derek got shot. What's wrong with you anyway? It's not like you got shot.' Scott shot back.
'Felt like I was.' Stiles muttered and I laughed lightly. He glanced up at me and grinned.
'Look, whatever I need to go back to Alison's and explain why I ran out of there so fast.'
'You're going back there? Scott they're not good people.' I told him.
'They're a hell of a lot nicer than you.' I scoffed in response to this.
'I'll show you how nice they are. Wait outside I'll be there in a minute. You have to see something.' I watched him leave then turned to Stiles. 'I'll meet you back at your place?' I asked him.
'I'll leave the window open, Sourwolf.' He suddenly deflated a little. 'Never scare me like that again Derek.' I immediately understood what he meant.
'I wish I could promise you that, but I can't -you know that. We'll talk later.' I picked up my shirt and tugged it on before exiting the clinic.
It was time for Scott to meet Peter.

Author's Note
Told you he'd be back, more Derek for you guys.

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