Chapter 14

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Chanelle's P.O.V

I am wide awake just staring up at the ceiling. I have to be at the hospital at 6:00 but don't really want to get out of bed. I glance over to Zayns side of the bed. He looks so peaceful.

I don't want to wake him but really want him to go with me. I roll over onto my side causing my body to become closer with his.

I wrap my arm around his torso and start leaving butterfly kisses along his cheek.

He lets out a chuckle before turning his body to face mine.

We just lay there staring into each others eyes. A slight smiles grows on my face.

"I love you." He whispers.

"Well I love you more." I say pecking his nose.

"That's impossible." Zayn says and I just roll my eyes.

"Will you go with me and stay with me while I wait for Blane during surgery?" I ask.

"Of course. I'm just going to throw on a pair of sweats." He says before getting out of bed, I do the same.

I grab a pair of my nike long spandex and slip on a simple white tank top.

I open the bedroom door and walk into Blanes room. She is still in a deep sleep. I place my hand on her belly and rub it gently making her stir. Her precious eyes flutter open, I pick her up.

"Hi gorgeous." I say kissingn her cheek gently.

I'm not even going to bother getting her dressed considering the fact that they are going to just put her in a hospital gown anyway.

I grab her diaper bag along with a couple of her softest blankets. I then head downstairs and see Zayn waiting on the couch on his phone.

"Let's go." I say. He slips his phone in his sweats pocket and heads out the door with us after locking up the house.

I walk over to the car and get Blane situated in her carseat. Zayn hops in the drivers seat while starting up the car.

I walk to the passengers side and get in. I look over to Zayn and he gives me a comforting smile.

It's moments like this that Zayn can do something so small, like smile, and make my stomach get all jittery.

He backs out of the driveway and goes out to the main road.


When we pull into the parking lot it seems really vacant. Only five cars are present, one of them happens to be Harry's. I'm actually surprised he is early.

I unbuckle my seat belt and get out of the car. I grab Blane and her carrier, Zayn gets her bag and blankets. He grabs a hold of my hand and squeezes it gently.

"Everything is going to be fine." He says. I sure hope he is right.

I nod my head before we walk over to the automatic doors leading into the registry area.

I walk right up the front desk and a guy greets me. I give him all Blane's info and he hands me a clipboard with papers I need to fill out and give the nurse when Blane is taken in for surgery.

I see Harry sitting in the far side of the room so I head over there. I place Blane in Harry's arms as I sit down. I look over the papers before I begin filling them out.

"So how have you been." Zayn speaks up. You can sense the awkward tension in the room.

"Ok, What about yourself?" Harry asks back.

"I've been doing well." Zayn replies.

No one talks the rest of the time we wait for Blane to be taken in for surgery.

A nurse with blue scrubs on comes out into the room.

"Blane." She calls out. I gather everything and the boys follow.

"How are we doing this morning." She asks while I hand her the paperwork.

"Ok." I say giving her a small smile.

"I'm going to lead you three into the room in which we will bring Blane back to when she is finished." She explains.

"How long is the surgery going to take?" Harry asks.

"Got somewhere to be Styles?" I ask.

"No, I just wanted to know." He snaps back.

"Well it depends how smoothly it goes. This type of surgery though usually takes about four to five hours." The nurse tells us.

We finally reach the room and she instructs me to get Blane dressed in the hospital attire. I do as I am told. I place her on my lap as we wait for the doctor to take her.

There are two chairs together on one side of the small room and one other on the ther side. Zayn and I are sitting together, Harry on in the other chair. We keep making eye contact, I quickly look away.

There a knock at the door and Dr. Walsh walks in.

"Hello. We're going to take Blane in for operation now." He says while a nurse comes in after him with a small gurny.

I place her onto it and she begins to cry. I try to shush her but the doctor stops me.

"She'll be fine as soon as we get started. Try not to worry to much." He says and I nod my head as I watch her exit the room.

I can't help but feel nervous. These are going to be a stressful few hours I can tell.

I sit back down beside Zayn and rest my head on his shoulder.

He wraps his arm around my waist and I snuggle closer against him. I feel Harry staring at us but don't really feel like making a rude remark right now.

"Why don't you try to get some sleep. It will hopefully make you a little less stressed out." Zayns tells my and plants a kiss on my forehead.

I guess he is right. I close my eyes and try my best to rest.

Harry's P.O.V

I honestly try my best to not get jealous of Chanelle and Zayn's relationship. That could-should be me.

I would have thought we could have became at least friends. We never were really close though. Well Zayn and I were.

I just wish I could go back in time and change things. I wouldn't change anything about the night I got Chanelle pregnant, just maybe I would have made it more special not just a drunken mistake.

I know I can't go back in the past, but I can sure make something of the future.

If it's meant to be, it will be.


Hello loves! Yay I finally updated!

My phone ended up deleting the chapter so I had to rewrite it and this past week has been a long busy one so I didn't have time to post the update.

I plan on taking tomorrow just to write so hopefully I can....

Thank you all for being so understanding and putting up with all the delayed updates. I truly love all you.





Love you alllllll to the moon and back!!!

-stevee xx

Angel Wings • Sequel to Goody Two ShoesWhere stories live. Discover now