Chapter 34

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•December Twenty-Fourth•

Harry's P.O.V

Over the past year my life has been nothing but hell. The last moth and a half have gotten better, Chanelle and I live together now. I moved into her apartment and so far my life is happier. She still hangs out with Zayn but it does not bother me as much as I thought it would. I have even grew closer with him recently and feels just like old times.

Since today is Christmas Eve, Chanelle and I are going over to Zayn and Perrie's house for a Christmas party with all our friends and theirs. Nelle has to force me to go, she is the one who is all for parties.I have been ready for the past hour, she is still getting ready.

I walk into the room just as she is about to slip on her dress. I run up behind her and pin her agaisnt the wall. She lets out a gasps and smiles. I plant my lips onto hers and savor the moment.

"Since you in here, will you zip up my dress?" Chanelle asks as I still pin her to the wall.

"It would be my pleasure." I say and let her go. She bends down to pick up her dress she dropped when I surprised her.

She pulls the red shiolette onto her body and my eyes travel with every moment. Chanelle pulls her hair to her side and I slowly lead the zipper up to the top. I place a single soft kiss on her shoulder.

"Do not be shocked if your dress ends up off before we even leave to go to the party." I say and she giggles.

"Well we better get going then." She smirks and takes a hold of my hand leading me out of the room. I grab the keys and we are out the door. We take my car and I open the door for her before getting in the drivers seat.

"Who's house are we going to tomorrow?" I ask.

"I was thinking we could stop by my parents place then we could have dinner at your mothers." She says while buckling up.

"That sounds good." I say before starting to drive.

Chanelle's P.O.V

We pull up to Perrie's and Zayn's house and see several cars already. I get out of the car leaving my phone and bag. Harry and I walk in together, this place is jam packed. Most of the faces I do not even recognize. I see the crew in the kitchen so Harry and I make our way over there.

"Hey!" I say and hug Perrie and Ali. I go around and hug all the guys including Zayn. I stand by Harry and grab a beer. Louis is already shit faced, I would think that he would not want to be hungover for Christmas morning. That is why I do not plan on getting wasted.

"I thought tonight was gonna be a little bit more formal." I say and Perrie nods her head.

"I did too before everyone decided to bring alcohol and start blaring music." She says and laughs a little.

I stay standing by Harry just listening to his and the guys conversation. I actually would not mind being at home right now. I like having a little time to myself but I need to be out.

"What are you and Harry doing tomorrow?" Perrie asks.

"We are just going to stop by my parents place in the morning then head over to his moms to have family dinner." I tell her and she nods her head.

"Zayn and I are taking Chase to get his pictures done then going to my parents place." She explains and I think of all the cute pictures I could have had done if Blane was still with us.Niall and Ali go out to the dancing area and begin to have a good time. Harry looks at me before motioning to the dance floor. I shake my head and hop up onto the counter, Perrie joins me.

"Zayn and I are going to go outside for a bit, I will be back in a little." Harry says kissing my cheek. I watch them walk out and then start a convo with Perrie about random things until we start talking about the future.

"Do you see you with Harry still in five years." She asks and I really never thought about where I would be at in that number of years.

"I mean I never really thought about my future in general let alone what my relationship would be like with him. Have you thought about you and Zayn?" I ask and she nods her head.

"I really love him, I just do not see him as the type to really settle down...anything is possible though." She states.

When I think about my sistuation, I hope that Harry and I would have started and new life together in that amount of time. I can not see my life without him as stupid as it may seem. I may be young but I sure know what I want in life, love wise.

People are brought into your life for a reason and I believe the reason Harry was brought into mine was to help shape and mold me into the person I really am. If none of what has happend in the past had happend, I would be a total complete different person. I would probably still live by what my parents wanted and not by what I wanted.

I really hope Harry feels the same way. I do not think he realizes just how much he has impacted my life. Everything has been sugar and spice and everything nice, but I am happy now thanks to Harry.

"I really do wish you two the best!" Perrie says smiling.

"Thank you, I wish the same for you and Zayn." I tell her and give her a quick hug.

I through the crowd and see the boys walking back in. They walk back into the kitchen and smile widely at me.

"What is your guy's problem?" I say while laughing.

"Oh nothing we just talked about something." Zayn says looking at Harry and he smiles him. I roll my eyes and laugh at them both.


I hope you liked it...what do you think is going to happen?


Love, love, love you all!


-stevee xx

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