¡lets talk: some tips from me to you!

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it's me ashley ‼️ I am here just to give some tips as a writer/user on wattpad

T I P U N O ; ¡make a list in your notes!
Okay so this tip is the one I would recommend the most but it might not be for everyone. What I like to do to stay organized as a writer is to make a list of what I have planned for a book. I'm the kind of person who likes everything to be in order and not be all over the place. Now I don't know if Androids have this, but on iOS notes the icon puts the bubble so you can make a big list of what you need to write. Here's what it looks like

If you want an example of what my list looks like, it's like this

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If you want an example of what my list looks like, it's like this

If you want an example of what my list looks like, it's like this

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(whoops can't expose my ideas😂)

side notes: I'd just like to advise now that this might only help some. Others just get ideas from the top of their heads which is by the way a really good talent, mind if I borrow it? Another note is if you want to be all fancy, add a picture for motivation because why not ¯\_()_/¯

T I P  D O S ; ¡comments are not battlegrounds!
This tip to me is probably the one I think most users can apply a lot on this app. Whenever I go onto a rant book and see that one user who just goes off in the comments saying "so and so is the fuck¡ng best blah blah blah" and then another user goes back and contradicts them, I already know a fire is boiling. Comments are meant for authors to receive feedback & positivity, not you & some other user arguing. If you're in the mood to argue, go either to your pms or message board but not the comments, it makes everyone's life easier without having to see that 50+ notifications.

T I P  T R E S ; ¡use your followers as a guide!
This may sound odd but your followers can be used as guides for your writing. Whether it be on who they want you to write about or what might better your book, your followers can be the up most help to you. I know that in the beginning of my wattpad days, I didn't really use this tip but trust me now, I like to use it whenever I can really. I mean I love it when I see that I get feedback and options from my followers, it just shows that you as a user care for what you want people to read. Try it, it won't hurt I promise.

T I P  Q U A T R O ; ¡try cover & plot shops!
You know I barely started using this tip this year but I am using it pretty often now. Cover & Plot shops are like lifesavers when you want a cover but don't have the time to make one or you know you want  towrite about somebody but you don't know who or what to actually write about. I really do have to give a huge shoutout to chattychels12344 for her very popular & amazing cover shop. Thank you for the cover you made me, I really don't know how you do it but damn you are so good at it! Another huge shoutout goes to RampaigerQueen for her plot shop that welcomed me with my story Problem. Thank you for the idea and hope to publish a new part soon!

T I P  C I N C O ; ¡remember to credit those who help you!
I don't know how much I can stress this but if you used a plot idea or got a cover from a shop, remember to credit the user. It shows you aren't just stealing the idea because when you steal ideas, you're making chaos for yourself. Just make sure you give credit that's all. Oh also, credit or ask the user who has the same username placement as you if it's fine if you use it. I'm starting to see that some people I follow have "xheel" in their user and I mean I'm not trying to be in any way mean but give credit you know? I'm pretty sure it only takes a few seconds to type out the credit in your bio🤷🏽‍♀️

Thank you for reading guys! I hope this helps you grow your account here🧡 with much love, ashley xx 💛

adios✨Thank you for reading guys! I hope this helps you grow your account here🧡 with much love, ashley xx 💛

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¿random gif of the day?

a whole mood with my mamita Zelina‼️

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a whole mood with my mamita Zelina‼️

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