¡lets talk: opinions opinions opinions!

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it's me ashley ‼️ I am here just to ask this since I don't know it came across my mind :)

what are your opinions?
I would just like to know what are your opinions on certain past and present superstars. I just ask this since I want to know everyone's perspective on some people on the roster. I'll probably most likely be asking about the women's division but I do have some opinions on some of the guys. Anyways let's get it going! By the way this'll be alphabetical and I won't be giving lengthy answers but some will be wordy so B E W A R E ‼️

aj lee
Oh miss Aj Lee, one that most of us dearly love and miss. I did like to watch her but I wouldn't say love. I don't know why but I never felt a connection with her as much I did for the Bellas. Now before anyone comes to attack me with why I would connect with the Bellas instead of Aj note, I've watched WWE for I would say 5+ years and have followed the Bellas career since they debuted back in '08. I really do see that Aj was a light in the division but sometimes I really thought her opinions on some of the women were just too much to be completely honest. I understand where everyone should be body positive, not have to beat your face with makeup, or wear high end clothing but no one should be shamed for it. I see where her character was an anti diva but as an anti diva, she still possessed the qualities of a diva in some aspects. I for one liked her matches before Summerslam 2014 but soon after, they were mostly the same old show where you had her face Paige or Nikki and it'd be her coming out as champion again and again and again. I do wish she would've continued her career but in the end she was a good competitor enough said

side note
I literally started with a lengthy one omg 😂🤧

alexa bliss don't really watch her as much anymore after the whole PSA act with Moment of Bliss but good luck at MITB🤷🏽‍♀️

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alexa bliss
don't really watch her as much anymore after the whole PSA act with Moment of Bliss but good luck at MITB🤷🏽‍♀️

alicia fox
GIVE👏🏽HER👏🏽A👏🏽CHANCE👏🏽 LIKE MY GOD SHE WAS THE FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN DIVAS CHAMPION WTH 🤧 I can't believe wwe would push her back all because of the argument she had with Ronda's husband. GIVE ALICIA A CHANCE

andrade "cien" almas
they better not make him the next Alberto Del Río because just no...no no no

she is a phenomenal wrestler and deserves to have a title reign( just not yet )end of story

eh is all I can say like she can sometimes sell me a good match and give off a good storyline but other times she seems bland to me. I liked her back in 2016 but now she became bland...

becky lynch
same thing as Bayley except Becky does sell good matches all the time and does give off a good storyline but nowadays they just don't want to use her as they used to. Give Becky Balboa a chance ...

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