¡lets talk: guess who showed up!

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it's me ashley 😳✌🏽 here i am making a new appearance on my account...yikes

what's new sister!?
let me just say it has been a F A T minute since i was last on my account. last time i update here it was summer of 2019. sis—

i know i know, it's been very long since i have been here. just to break it down into somewhat a not so crazy format i will just list off what happened in the last 10-ish months since i was last here.

+ i experienced senior year!
well due to the pandemic, i really only got first semester and half of second semester but with all due respect it was super fun ! definitely my grades were stellar (except my ap english right now 🙃) and i got into the colleges and universities i applied to. stayed with my closest friends till the end, it was surprising but i love it. i happened to participate in spirit weeks and go to games. almost threw hands at one girl but we're not gonna talk about it. went to parties and uh did some stuff haha (i swear i never learned my alcohol and drug tolerance till my first backyard party). pretty much if you want to say my senior year was kinda like a movie, i can agree with you on that !

+ i still happen to have a job?
➺ legit don't know how i still work at subway but ... i CANNOT stand eating a sandwich without gagging 🤭

+ i tried A FEW (LIKE VERY FEW) drugs
➺ to sum this up, marijuana slaps if it is only in an edible or a blunt—no in between type shit. i tried wax pens and puff bars but like ??? i honestly don't understand the hype. also dO NOT and i say this from the bottom of my heart, do not involve yourself with anything that i just said above because it's not a cute look and it's just..don't do it 'kay?

+ i hooked up with people
➺ yes, you read that as me, ashley, xheelbellas, your local bella twins stan, hooked up with people. i went through i guess a phase of just talking to guys and eventually getting with them for like a couple months. to say the least, my hookups were not even that exceptional. losing my virginity wasn't much of a regret but i kind of wish it was with someone else (foreground: i lost it to a takuache—the most mexican guy ever 🦡). i do want to note that now as someone who has "experienced" sex, wattpad seriously set my standards so high because what i thought of sex versus how it actually happens are two VERY OPPOSITE spectrums.

+ i got a new car
➺ my lil white volkswagen passat broke down in february and with the help of my gracious parents (love you mami y papi ❤️) , they were able to lease me a new car. it's a nissan sentra and ugh she's the best.

+ i happened to dye my hair
➺ it's not super drastic but i got a balayage and well this is how it turned out my loves,

+ i happened to dye my hair    ➺ it's not super drastic but i got a balayage and well this is how it turned out my loves,

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(my hair right now during quarantine is GARBAGE !)

+ went through some stuff
➺ you know i really went through many rejections, accusations, arguments, and stressful times but it really help me grow as a person. sure, stuff hurts like when you're accused of being a manipulator but you grow when you come to know yourself and never let yourself become susceptible to hate.

that's pretty much it guys. let me know how you're doing, what's up? what's the tea? i can't wait to see what y'all are writing as i know you guys are all talented lovelies! anyways thanks for reading, comments and votes would be greatly appreciated 🧡 with much love xx ashley💛

 let me know how you're doing, what's up? what's the tea? i can't wait to see what y'all are writing as i know you guys are all talented lovelies! anyways thanks for reading, comments and votes would be greatly appreciated 🧡 with much love xx ash...

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¿random gif of the day?

ready to rock this shit haha ❤️

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ready to rock this shit haha ❤️

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