chapter 4

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One week later.
The house have never been so quiet. I thought to myself as i sat pondering my faith on the floor of my living room. The funeral happened just yesterday and i slowly came to a realization that my family is no longer with me. It was tragic for all the community as there were no survivors and we were forced to bury our loved ones. It was even more painful for some people as the body of their relative wasn't found in the wreckage and they will never have the closure of burying them. 

I remember feeling so dejected as i watched them fill up the graves, sealing the coffins in the earth and placing the tombstones in. The rain had poured so heavily but i didn't feel the cold. I didn't feel anything. The guy who they had all gone for his wedding did not even show up, he rather called me to offer his condolences and i never heard from him again.

The door open and i heard someone enter and then Tammy crouched in front of me. She just sighed and hugged me. "You have to stop Helga" she helped me stand up and into a nearby chair. "I look at her and shook my head" look i know it's hard but-" The sound of knocking stopped her sentence and we both stared at it. She moved to answer it and i followed after her.

A man was standing on the other side of the door in a white suit which looked uncomfortable on him. "Hello Miss Willows?  Can i come in?" We both moved so he could walk pass us. "Have your seat Mr....." My voice trailed off and He sat down "Robert. Robert Gayle" i nodded and also sat down. "What can we do for you" The man looked at both of us "which one of you is Miss willows?"he asked and i raised my hands. "What can we do for you" Tammy asked again and the man skeptically looked at Tammy. "I'm afraid this matter had to be discussed in private" he stated and i shook my head "She's my best friend, you can talk" He nodded and reached into his suit. He pulled out an envelope and handed it to me.

I just stared at it, too afraid to open it. Sensing my hesitancy the man decided to talk "That's a evacuation letter" I stared at him shocked and he looked at me sympathetically "your father had seemingly taken a lone and mortgage your house for the trip and since he can't pay the loan back due to the unfortunate incident, its in the bank right and contract to take it" I quickly opened the envelope. I took out the letter and read it. Tammy quickly moved and took the letter from my hands and sure enough it was true. "You can't do that! Her father can't pay the loan back because he's deceased" she stated and the man stared at her. "You get to keep the house if you can pay the loan in two days" I stared up at him as he stood up "H-how much" I stated "one million USD".

Gasping i stood there stoic. The man reached into his pocket and pulled out a paper "I'm close friends with your mum and she gave me this. It's the address to her step sister's place. I called her on your behalf and she'll be expecting you in two days.

I accepted the paper and nodded. He moved toward the door but stopped when Tammy called him "How can you be so cruel and the bank also!. She's just experienced a tragedy and now this?" She stated and anger suddenly clouded man's face. "I'm just doing my job and i helped the only way i know how, now if you'll excuse me... Good day!" He walked out the door and the house became colder. Tammy moved to my side and bent in front of me "I'm so sorry i can't be of much help. I wish you could come and stay with us but you now about the horses developing an illness and other set backs" she stated and i nodded "you don't have to be sorry, you being here is enough for me" i held her hands and squeezed and we both smiled at each other.

It has been hours since Tammy had left and i finally gathered up the courage to look at the paper. 'Brooklyn, New York' i thought to myself and sighed. The big city. Can i really make it in the big city?, I also didn't know that mom had a step sister and she always talk about her family. I stood up and went to my room. I can't really blame dad for the loan. I checked under my bed and pulled out my savings in a box. I have been saving to buy my dad a birthday gift and for my new boots. I opened the box and counted it. I was surprised when i saw that i had made a hundred USD. I kept the money back in the box and pushed it under the bed.

I went to the bathroom and washed my face. Now was not the time to cry but to take action. I went back to the living room and grabbed my phone. I searched up Brooklyn and looked up some sites and other things.

I dropped my phone on the chair and looked around the house, i can't believe that I'm about to loose this  house. My eyes caught something and i quickly looked at it , it was our family photo frame that was taken a few months back. I moved towards it and felt my eyes water. "Why did you leave me?" I stated and got no answer in return. I took the photo off the wall and slid to the floor. "I miss you guys so much" i whispered as i felt water escaping through my eyes.

I guess my new life chapter starts in Brooklyn.

BROOKLYN here we come!

Sorry if the chapter was too depressing :(

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