Cranks are worse than Grievers

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"Watch out!" Thomas shouted. A shrieking sound behind you made you jump and back away from the fence as quickly as you could. A woman crashed against the fence, but she wasn't right, she looked wild. These must be the cranks Ratman warned about. She looked dead but her body had carried on without her. Her skin was green and decaying and some type of growth was stuck to the side of her head. The creepiest thing about her was her eyes were completely missing. The only thing that was left was 2 blank and empty sockets. 

"Shit," You muttered when another one appeared limping towards us making strange noises and writhing as if it was on fire.

Minho hit it hard with a hammer and it fell to the floor. "What the hell is that thing?" Thomas yelled backing away quickly.

Minho's hand was in yours and pulling you away from it writhing on the floor, he'd gone into protective mode. There was a noise from behind you of more of them coming.

"Gotta move, gotta move come on!" Thomas said urgently running ahead and out the door you came through. More cranks appeared and you had to hold the door to stop them from getting you. Minho moved leaving you and Thomas to hold the door, he started pushing over a heavy
looking locker.

"Watch out!" He shouted, you moved out the way just in time, the locker held the door and stopped them getting to us.

"Nice one, Minho," you commented.

You suddenly heard a loud scream and you turned around. More Cranks than before we're sprinting towards you. Some of them were blind and kept banging into things or missing limbs and unbalanced.

"Run!" Minho shouted and you took off as fast as possible away from them. It was strange the 3 ex Runners used to running from Grievers now running from cranks. If you had to choose your preferred Grievers to Cranks. At least Grievers were predictable, they'd just try and stab you but these Cranks looked like they'd use anything to rip your heads off. Grievers were controlled, Cranks ran on instinct.

You sprinted ahead of Minho and up some stairs as fast as possible, you turned a corner at the top and saw the others stood there looking confused.

"RUN!" You shouted to them.

"GO GUYS!" Minho added,

"AHH," Thomas just shouted.

You saw the others realise why we were being chased and they started sprinting away.

Newt glared at us "What did you do?"

"Nothing technically!" You shouted back to him sounding like a naughty kid been caught doing something they shouldn't. You ran faster than you had ever run in your life. Cranks were smaller than Grievers but there was more of them and they were much faster.

"What the hell are those things?" Winston shouted. 

"I dunno, just keep going!" Thomas replied loudly. 

"Come guys move, move, move!" Someone shouted from the back.

You took the stairs on the broken escalator two at a time heart pounding the faster you went. Your legs were feeling shakey but you ignored them and kept going. You were glad you were a runner in the Maze only because all the running you did kept you fit and taught you to control your breathing when you ran. It was coming in handy now.

You sprinted left at the top of the escalator and continued down a long straight part of the mall. A Crank appeared to your right and you skidded to a halt, you wanted to get your gun out but didn't because you didn't want to alert more by the loud sound and bullets were precious, best to not waste them.

"Aris!" You shouted as he ran at the Crank a bat raised in his hands. He hit it hard on the leg making it crash to the ground, everyone was able to slip around the Crank apart from Teresa and Thomas who were forced to go up another broken escalator to avoid its wildly swinging arms.

More Cranks appeared behind you. Minho grabbed your hand and pulled you out the way of one determined to get you. "Run guys, go round!" Thomas shouted halfway up the escalator.

When you reunited at the top you could feel yourself getting tired, in the Maze you weren't constantly sprinting you had breaks between figuring out where you were going. You couldn't imagine how the other non-runners were feeling right now. It was horrible for everyone.

"Come on Y/N, don't give up!" Minho shouted noticing you struggling, it wasn't just you everyone was starting to struggle... apart from Minho who could run for days.

A Crank burst suddenly through a glass window to your right and jumped straight on Newt who was at the back. "Newt!" Everyone shouted skidding to a stop and sprinted back for him. Thomas kicked the Crank into the glass balcony which broke sending it tumbling into the darkness below.

You ran forward and helped Newt up quickly. "Thanks, guys," he smiled getting his breath back.

"Come on, let's get out of this place," Thomas said when more Cranks where heard approaching.

You sprinted down a narrow hallway hoping there was an exit along it somewhere. At the end, there was a fire exit but it was padlocked shut. You looked back at the end of the corridor and saw about 50 or more Cranks chasing after you. Crashing and jumping on top of each other in the race to reach the humans first.

"Get that door open! I'll cover you," Winston shouted pulling out his gun and beginning to shooting them down. You pulled yours out and started helping him.

"You're a good shot with that!" He yelled as you hit 3 in the head in a matter of seconds.

"Aim for the head," You instructed, he followed your lead and managed to get a few down.

You didn't know how you knew to shoot their heads, it was just an instinct. "Get that door open!" Winston shouted as they got closer.

Frypan ran at the door and the lock broke opening instantly. The others ran inside while you and Winston carried on shooting. "GO, GO!" He shouted, reluctantly you ran out the door and he followed a second later.

Suddenly he tripped over as Cranks grabbed him by the ankles and began pulling him back out the other way. You caught one of his hands just in time stopping him disappearing completely and he grabbed the door with his other hand tightly.

"WINSTON!" You shouted tugging his hand with all your strength. The screaming, wailing and moaning sounds from the Cranks was starting to give you a headache. That along with being very thirsty it probably didn't help.

Newt and Fry grabbed his other hand as Minho and Thomas tried to push the door shut. You kicked one of the monsters in the face and it let go of him. He slipped out of their grip and the other boys slammed the door shut pressing their bodies against it as the Cranks banged against the door in an attempt to get in.

"GO, GO" Thomas shouted at Fry and Newt picked up Winston. 

"Y/n, get moving!" Minho shouted to you, "GO!" He shouted again when you didn't move.

Knowing he'd be alright you began to sprint as fast as you could away from the doors. You heard Thomas and Minho let go of the door, it opened with a crash and Cranks started pouring out of it like water.

They scrambled to their feet and chased you and the others. You blocked out everything and just focused on running as fast as you could. The instinct to survive was so strong you didn't think you wouldn't be able to stop even if you wanted to, you refused to let the Cranks get you.

I can only imagine how fun it was filming these movies, the cast is amazing❤️ thanks for reading AFG.

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