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You walked until it was dark. The group found an old shipwreck with some wood inside to build a fire and decided it was the best place to spend the night. You had your head on Minho's shoulder as he fiddled with a dagger. Aris came back from the ship carrying some more wood, he threw them on the fire then sat down. The crackling sounds of the fire were relaxing and made you feel sleepy.

"I thought we were supposed to be immune," Minho said staring into the fire.

"Not all of us," Teresa replied suspiciously, "I guess," she added on the end. You still didn't trust her completely.

"If Winston can get infected we should assume so can the rest of us," Newt spoke wisely his voice low. It was a chilling thought to think we could be infected by one bite if we weren't careful.

"Never thought I'd say it-" Frypan said blankly, tears still slipping down his face. He and Winston had been best friends when they met in and Glade. His death had been hardest on him.
"-but I miss the Glade." No one replied a gloom of sadness was hanging over the group like a black cloud.

You fell asleep on Minho that night when everyone settled down you didn't even bother trying to sleep without him, just went straight to him. He didn't complain, you though he liked the comfort too.

When you woke up his chest was pressed against your back, your feet were tangled together and his strong arm was wrapped around your waist. In any other scenario, you would've smiled, but stranded in a desert with limited supplies being chased by Cranks and Wicked you couldn't bring yourself do it.

Walking that day was the worst it's ever been, no one talked not even you and Minho. The group walked in a single line towards the distant mountains that didn't look like they were getting any closer. You were all mourning the loss of a friend, even though you didn't know Winston that well he was part of the group and it felt wrong without him.

The terrain slowly changed from sandy dunes to flat, dry rock. You put your scarf over your head to keep the dust out of your mouth and eyes.

The mountains looked like they were getting a little bit closer but that didn't do anything to improve your spirits. They were made even worse when you raised your bottle to your mouth for the last time and realise the water was gone. You saw Minho throw his canasta away, it clattered to the ground and rolled away. If you didn't find water soon you would all die before you could get out of this wasteland.

That night you slept on the hard floor, the cold returned as you didn't have a fire. You cuddled up to Minho using his chest as a pillow his strong, rhythmic heart beating was like a lullaby singing you to sleep. He was defiantly the person you felt most comfortable with.

You were shaken roughly awake, by a hoarse voice above you, "Y/n wake up!" It was Thomas.

"Minho get up!" He nudged Minho who was a light sleeper and woke up instantly.

"Guys get up. I see something," You got up quickly wondering what Thomas had seen.

"What is it?" Aris asked next to you.

"See that?" He pointed into the distance. You squinted and spotted a load of flickering lights. Excitement grew in you, you'd found life, maybe they could help.

There was a sudden rumble of thunder overhead. You turned around, a huge storm was brewing. Jet black clouds the colour of Minho's hair were floating swiftly towards us. A flash of lightning hit the ground. It was beautiful yet deadly.

"Let's go. Come on, we gotta go," Thomas said sounding nervous and scrambling to pick his bag up.

Everyone else began to get their bags together but you couldn't get yourself to look away from the lighting striking. It was getting closer but it was so hypnotising. "Let's go," the others began to jog away.

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