Welcome to Hillman University

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Hi my name is Julianna Leblanc, Annie for short. I don't have any siblings. Well I did but they died in a fire when I was six. My mom also died in the fire as well trying to save Caleb and Hayley. My dad is still alive but lord knows where. He is always working in different cities and states. He travels a bunch. But that's not the point right now, I have to go to my dorm. I walk in and take a deep breath and think to myself in my head. "It's going to be fine, it's going to be fine, it's goi-."
My thoughts were interrupted by Hayden. "Hayden! I missed you!" I ran up to him and hugged him. "I did too." He said with a smile on his face. "I can't believe we're in college!" I said in disbelief. "Ikr but I have to get going now so I have time to unpack."  "Yea same! I'll see you around Hayden!" We hugged and he left. I walked up to the front desk. "Hi I'm Julianna Leblanc, Annie for short. I was wondering what room I'm in." "Ah miss Julianna Leblanc! Yes I see you are in dorm 264! Your roommate should be in there already!" I smiled at her and walked away. I got to my dorm and put the key in the key whole. I opened the door to see a girl standing there unpacking her bags and she looked up at me. We both smiled at each other. "Hi I'm Kenzie!" She said with a smile. "I'm Annie!" Kenzie seemed really friendly! "You beds over there and that's you desk." She said while pointing. "Great! Thanks!" I started to unpack all my clothes in the one dresser and started to put my sheets on my bed. My sheets were a light pink color and I had a big white fluffy blanket. "Omg Annie that's soooooo cute!" I looked at her and laughed. I started to unpack the things that go on my desk. While I was unpacking I forgot that I put a picture of my family into my suitcase. I looked at it and smiled. I really missed them a lot. I put it on my desk and unpacked everything else. After I was done Kenzie and I decided to go to Starbucks to get to know each other since it was in the lounge/lunch sections of the school. "So what do I need to know about you?" She said with interest. "Um my full name is Julianna Grace Leblanc. I love the color blue. I have a boyfriend named Hayden. I'm deathly afraid of thunder, like super afraid. I used to have siblings and a mom but they passed in a fire." I said that and started to look down at the floor. "Oh I'm so sorry." "Thanks but Caleb my brother taught my family to celebrate life so it helps when I think about that. He wouldn't want us to be sad. Anyways I love parties, and I enjoy classes more then I should! Wait don't classes start in two weeks so we can get used to everything?" I asked. "Yea and speaking of parties there is one tonight. It's sort of like a welcome party. Wanna come?" I smiled "of course I want to come!" I said and we both laughed. I got to know Kenzie more and it was really fun. We go back to the dorm to get ready for the party. I wore a yellow and white tube top with black tight leggings. I put on some makeup but not to much. I curled my hair and had 2 bun on the top with the rest hanging. Me and Kenzie walked to the party. We walk in and I started to look for Hayden. I couldn't find him anywhere. Kenzie already went by her friends so it was just me. I felt someone wrap their hand around my waist and I turned to see Hayden. "Hey I was looking for you." I said with a smile. "Yea I saw u looked like a lost puppy, it was cute." I looked at the floor and blushed. He picked my chin up and pecked me on the lips. I love him so much! "I'm going to get us drinks, what do u want." He said letting go of me. "I'll take a water." He nodded his head and walked away.  I was waiting for about 10 minutes and he still wasn't back. There were so many people in the room so it was hard to move around. The music was super loud. I walked to the couches and see a red headed girl sitting on Hayden's lap and they were making out. My eyes begin to water. I head for the door as quickly as I can. At this point I had tears running down my face and I was crying. I started to run down the hall and I ran into someone and fell. "Oh I'm so sorry." He said "here let me help you." I kept my head down so he wouldn't see that was crying. He helped    me up. I kept my head down and tried to walk around him but he stopped me. He lifted my chin up. He saw the tears run down my face and I began to cry again. "What happened?" He said kind of worried. I began to talk but it was hard. "M-my-my boy-friend h-he ch-cheated on m-me." I began to cry harder. He hugged me and I was crying in his chest. After to minutes of crying and hugging I began to stop. "Here let me walk you to your dorm." He said. He grabbed my hand. "What's your dorm number?" He said still holding my hand. "264." I said. He took me to my dorm and took my key from my hand. He opened the door for me and walked me in. He sat on my desk chair and I sat on my bed. I walked to the bathroom to get into my pjs. When I came back I laid on my bed. The boy broke the silence, "I'll stay here till your  roommate gets here." I shook my head and looked at him. "Thank you." I said with a faint smile. "Your welcome. What's your name?" He said and I looked at the ceiling. "Annie Leblanc." He smiled, "well Leblanc my name is Johnny Orlando." I looked at him and laughed. I started to close my eyes and I fell asleep.

Johnny's POV
I watched her sleep. She was beautiful. He brown eyes, her smile, just everything about her was perfect. I'm glad she ran into me. I saw her phone on the bed by her. I grabbed it and used her thumb to get in it. I found out her number and put her number in my phone. I put it back. I just kept looking at her. How could someone be so heartless to a girl like her. She everything someone would want. My thoughts were interrupted as someone walked in. "Annie are y-" "shhhhh" I said as I put my finger to my mouth. She looked at me and whispered, "who are you?" "Im Johnny I replied." She looked really confused. "Um why are you in here." She told me. I told her what had happened and she had understood. After about 5 minutes I walked out and went to my dorm. I laid in my bed thinking about Annie, and soon I fell asleep.

A/N: 1,270 words! I hope you liked my first book! More will come soon! 💜

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