The Party

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Annie's POV
I woke up but I kept my eyes closed. My mind started to function again and everything from last night started to come back. After the kiss I couldn't remember anything. The last thing I remembered was when someone made Hayden black out. I remember crying but I don't remember seeing anything. I then shot up and I gasped and looked around. I don't recognize this place. I started to look around with my head shooting back and forth. Was I at Hayden's I thought. I started to lose breath but then I heard someone walking towards me. I put my hands over my eyes. "Don't hurt me don't hurt me please please please." I said out of breath and started to scrunch up in a ball. "Hey it's me! Johnny!" He said in a calming voice. I then started to relax. Johnny can up beside me and hugged me. "Where you the one who knocked Hayden out?" I said facing my head up at him while still leaning against his chest. "Yes." I then started to remember. I remember being dragged. I remember a cold towel. I remember he said he will protect me. I remember, I remember him kissing me on the forehead. I remembered. "Would you like to get some breakfast?" Johnny said breaking the silence. "Um yea sure." I got up and I guess freshened myself up a little since I wasn't at my own dorm. We went to IHOP. The car ride there was quite. We held each other's hands. It's like that's how we were communicating in the car ride. We finally got there and we didn't talk that much. It wasn't awkward surprisingly. After we were done eating. We got in the car. "Hey I have a question." Johnny said breaking the silence. "Mhm?" I mumbled. "When i went into your room and saw you and Hayden kissing, did you mean it?" I looked out the window and my eyes started to water. I looked back at him and said, "no not at all. It's just he told me that he would hurt me if I didn't kiss back." As I said this sentence I was beginning to cry. Johnny pulled over and hugged me. "I won't let him hurt you, I promise." After a few minutes of hugging we started to drive back to our dorm. Johnny walked me to mine and we hugged goodbye. I opened the door to see Kenzie on her phone. She ran up to me and said, "oh Annie I heard what happened. Are you ok?" I shook my head yes. I just laid in my bed staring at the celling. Kenzie broke the silence. "Hey there's a party tomorrow night. Wanna come?" "I don't know Kenz. I don't know if I'm ready." I said still staring at the celling. "Oh come on plz! Johnny is going. I'll have him stay with you!" She said basically begging at this point. "Ok..." I gave up. She jumped up and down saying yes. I laughed a little and stared at my celling again.
*the next day*
Today was the day of the party. I wore a red crop top and black leggings with high knee boots. Kenzie told me she was going early. I decided not to because I wanted to wait for Johnny. 30 minutes later I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to see Johnny looking me up and down. I blushed. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are." He said gazing me in the eyes. I laughed and blushed even more. He grabbed my hand and we started to walk. Before we went in..."Johnny should I be doing this? What if-" "hey you'll be fine. I'll be with you the whole time!" I nodded my head and we went in. My nose filled with alcohol. There were so many people there. Music was blaring, lights were changing colors, it was cool. I saw Kenzie and Carson making out in the corner. I wasn't surprised. As I was looking around I did a double take. Hayden was looking right at me with a smirk on his face. I squeezed Johnny's hand. "Johnny he's looking right at me." I said scared "it's ok I'm here." We walked around the place for a little and Johnny went to grab drinks. I was now alone and vulnerable. I looked around to make sure no one was was near me *cough cough* Hayden. I felt someone wrap the arms around my waist. "Haha Johnny your funny." I turned with a big smile on my face and it slowly started to disappear. It was Hayden. He grabbed me and pulled me into a room. He then covered my mouth again so I couldn't yell. He started to kiss me. "Remember what I said princess?" I had to kiss in back. I tasted the alcohol in is mouth as we were making out. I didn't want to but I had to that is of course for Johnny. I heard loud knocking on the door Hayden pulled away and I ran out. I ran into Johnny considering he was the one banging so he was right out side the door. I hugged him really tight and cried. "I am so sorry Annie I won't let it happen again." I didn't say anything I just continued to hug him and cry on his shoulder. Lord knows where Hayden went at this point. I just wanted to have a good time and get my mind off things but honestly. This made it worse. "Do you want to leave?" Johnny questioned while pulling away from the hug. I nodded. We went out into the haul way and he said hop on while bending over for a piggy back ride. I hopped on his back and he ran down the haul way. He was going really fast. I started to get worried honestly. But it was fun I guess. I had a little smile on my face. We got to my dorm and he put me down. I opened my door and we said goodnight. I went to sleep with a tiny little smile on my face. The next morning I woke up and Kenzie was still sleeping. I took a shower and put on a white crop top that had little yellow sunflowers on it in random places. I also wore denim distressed shorts. I sat on my bed and browsed through Instagram for a little while until my phone started to ring. I answered the phone and it was Johnny! "Hello?" He responded to me with, "hey do you want to go to the park?" "Sure I'd love to!" "Ok I'll be at yours in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." And with that I heard a knock on the door. I laughed and got up. I opened it and we walked to the park since it was basically across from the college. We went on the swings. He pushed me. We laughed and had a really good time. It was about golden hour and we decided we should get back to our dorm. "That was really fun. Thank you." I said smiling at him. "Yea this was really fun. I'm glad I got to spend time with you." We both looked at each other and smiled. "Yea me too! It's really nice- Ah!" I tripped on a raised part of the side walk. Johnny almost tripped over me but he didn't. He grabbed me so I wouldn't fall. One of his hands on my neck and the other around my waist. He looked at me and I looked at him. We stared into each others eyes for a while. I saw my reflection in his eyes. I could stare at them forever. We then started to lean on closer to each other. He slowly started to close is eyes. I did to. Soon enough our lips were planted together. My head was spinning a miles per hour. How could there be so much lust in one kiss? We pulled away and smiled. The whole walk back to our dorm was silent we just held each other's hands. When I got back to my dorm i leaned against the door. "Goodnight Leblanc." He said while kissing my forehead. "Goodnight Orlando." I said while kissing his cheek. And with that I walked into my room, got ready for bed, and fell asleep with a smile on my face.
A/N: 1418 words!! I hoped you guys liked this one! Sorry I hadn't posted i was really busy!! 💜😊

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