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As we were walking he put his hand on my back which made me jump a little and wince because it reminded me how Carson did it not to long ago same. He looked at me confused but I just forced a smile. We then continued to walk until I got back to my dorm. I went in and Johnny headed back. It was about 1:30pm now. Kenzie was in the room and we talked about how are day went so far.
Johnny's POV
As I was walking back to my dorm I couldn't help wonder why Annie winced and jumped when I touched her back. Did something happen to her when I was gone? I don't know what it is but I'll find out. I walked in the room and Carson was gone. He's probably hanging out with girls. The reason I was so protective over Annie is because Carson is kind of a player and a heart breaker. He will win you over with his charm and then leave you once he's bored dating you. Annie is special, she need someone special...
Annie's POV
Me and Kenzie were talking we heard a knock on the door. Kenzie opened it and I heard a 'Hi Carson!' I started to worry a little. "Oh Annie I haven't told you. This is my boyfriend Carson!" Kenzie said so proud and happily. "Yeah we met." I said forcing a smile and a laugh. "Well let's get going. We don't want to be late for our date do we?" Kenzie asked Carson. They soon left. Well that was awkward. I then laid down on my bed and fell asleep. I woke up and it was 6:00 pm. I looked at my phone to see someone that tried to call me 5 times. It was an unknown number. I decided to call it back. It rang twice and..."Hey this is Annie right?" Someone said. "Yes. Who is this?" I was a little scared until I heard, "Johnny." He said. "Oh hey Johnny! Sorry I was asleep. Wait I don't remember ever giving you my number." I said a bit confused "hey I know people. Would you like to go out for dinner?" "Is this a date Orlando?" "I don't know Leblanc." We both laughed. "I'd love to!" I replied. "Great I'll meet you at your dorm in 20!" We hung up and I did my hair since I had a little bed head. I heard a knock on the door I went to go open it but it's wasn't Johnny. It was Hayden. "Hayden what are you doing here?" I said in confusion
"I'm here for you." Hayden replied and said with a smirk. this part is going to get heated. If you don't want to read skip to when u see the next 'hazard' sign⚠️
He walked in the room but he didn't close the door completely shut. He picked and leaned me against the wall. "I told you I'll get you back. I always get what I want." He said whispering in my ear. I was about to scream but he put his hand on my mouth. He then started to kiss my neck bone trailing kiss around me. He then uncovered my mouth and kissed me on the lips. I didn't want to kiss back. He then put his hands under my shirt and started to move his hands all around. I began to cry. I still wasn't kissing back. "If you don't kiss back, I'll hurt you." He said in a raspy voice. I had to kiss back. So I did. We were technically making out but I didn't enjoy it at all. It was forced. I felt a tear run down my face. But then I heard someone. "Annie?" It was a familiar voice. I couldn't put my finger on it. I don't know who it is. I was lost in the moment of terror and horror. I zoned back out and started to cry. Hayden kept kissing me while there was still someone in the room. The person must have heard me start to cry and he punched Hayden. ⚠️ I slid down the wall and began to cry harder. I felt someone I guess 'drag' me to a different room. I was still crying. Everything went dark.
Johnny's POV
I walked in Annie's dorm room to see someone making out with Annie. Annie was kissing him back. I didn't know who it was. My heart felt like it fell of a shelf and shattered instantly. I called her name but she didn't do anything. Neither did the boy. I heard her begin to cry. I was confused. I punched the boy making him black out. Annie slid down the wall and began to cry harder. I tried picking her up but she wouldn't let me. So I had to drag her I dragged her to my dorm and put her on my bed. She was still crying really hard. She then opened her eyes really wide and looked around out of breath. She said "h-h-had-Hayden" and then passed out. I quickly got up and started shaking her. I had no clue what to do. I ran to the bathroom and grabbed a cold towel. I put it on her forehead. A minute later she gasped and started to cry again. I hugged her and she tried to push away. "Help! someone help!" she said out of breath while crying. "shhh its me Johnny! your ok now." i said in a gentle voice. She then let me hug her and she put her head on my shoulder. She stopped crying. We hugged for literally 10 minutes. In those 10 minutes I was thinking. Before she passed out she said 'Hayden.' I then realized that was her ex boyfriend. She fell into a deep sleep on my shoulder. I laid her down on the bed and whispered in her ear, "I won't let anyone hurt you." I followed that sentence with a kiss on her forehead. How could someone do that to her? I wondered. I sat on my desk chair and slept on that. I was woken up by the door opening slowly. I shot up of the chair and stood there with my fists clenched. I didn't know who it was. The person turned the lights on to reveal Carson. "Woah bro don't throw hands at me." He said with a little laugh but also confused. "Sorry it's been a long day." I said as I sat down and put my elbows on my knees and rested my head on my hands. "Why don't you just-" he was cut off by Annie moving her legs in the bed. We both shot our heads up and looked at her. She was just getting comfortable. "Woah I didn't know she-" "stop" I said cutting him off. Carson then went to the bathroom and fell asleep. Now that I was woken up, I couldn't stop thinking. Did that kiss Hayden and Annie shared mean something? Did she really want to kiss him back? My mind was spinning 100 miles per hour. I had to get some sleep. I sat back in my chair and after 20 minutes I was asleep.
A/N: 1217 words! Hoped you liked it!!

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