Julianna Grace Leblanc, Will You...

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I woke up to Johnny hugging me by my waist. I thought to myself...do I like Johnny? If he asked me out would I say yes? Or no... I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I looked up at Johnny as we were laying. He was still sleeping. He looked so cute when he slept. What am I saying! I looked around and saw Austin he was on his phone. "Good morning Austin!" I said greeting him good morning. "Hi Annie." He greeted back. I got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day I put my hair in french braids and wore a white crop top with denim shorts and knee high boots. I walked out to see Johnny still sleeping. I jumped on top of him and yelled 'GOOD MORNING.' He jumped up and looked around frightened. I started laughing and rolled off him. While I was laughing I noticed Austin. He looked upset but also jealous. I decided to go to the lounge area of the college to get a "drink" from the vending machine. In reality I wanted to see if Austin would come out and talk to me. Two minutes after I left I heard a hey. I turned to see Austin looking down and his hands in pockets while rocking back and forth. "Hey!" I said smiling at him. He looked up and smiled for a second and then said, "are you um supposably I guess dating Johnny?" I looked at him and opened my mouth, but nothing came out. I finally spoke up and said, "um no." After I said that I laughed a little and so did he. "Oh ok well I'll see you later I guess." He said waving. "Wait aren't you going to come back?" I said with my eyebrow raised. He responded with, "oh no I'm leaving because I'm heading out with my friends." "Oh ok then I guess I'll see you around." I waved to him and he left. I came back into the dorm. I laid on my bed everyone was pretty much still sleeping except me and Johnny. I laid on my bed and someone jumped onto the bed. I turned my head to see Johnny sitting there smiling at me. I smiled back. "What ya doing." He snickered. "Just browsing Instagram. "Well let's go out for breakfast. My treat." I smiled at him and nodded. He grabbed my hand and we headed out. After about an hour of eating we he took me somewhere. It was a garden. With a bunch of flowers. He took me under a tree with shade. We were surrounded with flowers. He grabbed my hands and said, "Julianna Grace Leblanc. When I saw for the first time you looked beautiful. I felt terrible to see you cry even though we just met. Your eyes, I can stare in them forever and always feel at home. Your laugh fills a room with joy and happiness. Your smile lights up the world. Your an amazing person and I never want to lose you. Anns, will you be my girlfriend?" I nodded my head yes and jumped into his arms. He picked me up and spun me around. As he was putting me down I put my arms around his neck. I tilted my head a bit and smiled slightly. We both leaned in and out lips connected. His lips were so soft. I felt him smile against my lips. We pulled away but our foreheads were still touching. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too." I whispered back. And we pecked each other on the lips. We stared into each other's eyes. It felt like eternity. Finally after a couple of minutes we got into his car and drove back. We decided to go to his dorm so I texted Kenzie I was over Johnny's. We got to his dorm and he laid on his bed. I jumped on top of him. My legs were on either side of him and I was twirling his hair around my fingers. "Hello Anns." He smiled at me. "Hello Juan!" I replied. "Juan?" He said raising my eyebrow. "It's a new nickname." I said focusing on his hair being twisted around my finger. He laughed and a stared at me while I was concentrated on his hair with my head tilted. I looked at him and smiled. I then flopped onto his stomach and he let out an "ouuuuuuuuu." I laughed and was inches away from his face. "I. Love. You." I said and I between each word I kissed a different part of his face. He did the same but said, "I. Love. You. More." I laughed and put my head down in between chin and his neck. We heard the door open and I jumped up but Johnny grabbed my waist so I couldn't sit up fully. Carson cam in and looked at us and went 'awwww.' I rolled my eyes and laid back down on top of him like I did before. After about five minutes Carson asked Johnny if he wanted to play fortnite on there tv. I sat up and he whispered "Can I?" I nodded my head yes and laughed. I got off of him and and Carson and Johnny sat in front of the tv. They put their headsets on and played something called squads. I have no clue. They played with random people in the world so I guess that's why they needed headsets so they can talk to the people. Before he started he patted his lap so I sat on him sideways. (So Johnny was facing the tv and Annie was facing Carson who was next to Johnny if that makes sense) He wrapped his right arm around me so he could reach the remote. About 5 minutes into the game. I decided to mess with him a little. I started to kiss his check little. After about 5 seconds he pulled away saying, "Annie stop." I stopped. about 30 seconds later I kissed his lips. He kept his lips shut together so I wouldn't get the satisfaction. He then yelled a little louder, "Annie stop." Carson interrupted and said, "are you to dating." "Yea dude I asked her out today." He replied not taking his eyes off the screen. About 2 minutes later i started to kiss his neck. He got really tense, pursed his lips together and I guess crossed his legs really tight. I could tell he was trying hard not to moan. "Annie............stop.......please." Carson looked over and laughed while saying the word "Brooooo." I pulled back and laughed. Johnny sighed deeply relaxing his body and uncrossing his legs. Me and Carson continued to laugh. Johnny hissed at Carson saying, "hey if your girlfriend was sitting on your lap kissing your neck you'd do the same thing on trying not to moan." We both started laughing again. I heard the kid on Johnnys headset say, "aw dude your so lucky." Then he started to laugh. Soon enough after about 10 minutes the word 'Victory Royal' appeared on the screen They both jumped up really quick. Johnny forgot I was on his lap and and I yelped a little and grabbed onto him when he jumped up. He started cheering and then stopped when he noticed I was about to fall but caught me before I fell. He then placed me on the ground and started cheering again. I laughed and Carson and Johnny did their little hand shake while smiling. I thought to myself again. Carson seemed really off when we first met.
Maybe he did just want to get to know me. My thoughts were interrupted by Johnny talking to me. "See Anns, I still won even though you were teasing me."  He finished his sentence by sticking his tongue out at me. I laughed and rolled my eyes playfully. I decided to text Kenzie and tell her I was staying over Johnny's tonight...
Kenzie🙈💞: Hey Kenzie I'm staying over Johnny's tonight if that's ok. He asked me out today were dating now. Hope that ok! :)
Annie🆑💜: OMG GO GIRL! That's totally fine by me. Make sure you tell me everything that happens when you get back! 😉
Kenzie🙈💞: omg Kenzie were not going to do anything. Anyways gotta go. Bye!
I got off my phone and laid on Johnny's bed. Carson and Johnny continued playing fortnite for awhile and got 2 more victory royals in duos. I laid there on my phone watching YouTube. I dozed off a little. I guess you can call it a nap.
Johnny's POV:
Annie's asleep and me and Carson got to more victory royals. I have to admit. I did enjoy what Annie was doing to me but you can't do that to someone while they're playing fortnite. After we were done, "dude you should do what Annie did to you while we were playing fortnite." Carson said while smiling and lifting his eyebrows up and down. "Idk bro. What if she gets mad." I said concerned. "Aw come on bro loosen up." He said punching me in the arm. "I guess your right!" I nodded and walked towards Annie.
Annie's POV:
I woke up to someone kissing me on the cheek in different places. I opened my eyes the slightest bit and said, "Johnny stop." It was about 2 minutes later and I fell back asleep. This time I was woken up this time by someone kissing me on the lips. "Stop!" I hissed at him. Five minutes later I fell back asleep. Again. This time I was woken up by someone kissing my collar bone. I woke up and squirmed a little and tensed. He kept kissing my neck. I squeezed the blanket with my hands trying really hard not to moan. My legs started to rub together it was like someone was controlling me. A moan then slipped out of my mouth and I quickly put my hand up to my mouth and shut my eyes really tight. Carson started laughing so hard and loud. I opened my eyes and saw Johnny slowly getting up with his eyes really wide and his mouth hung open while he was smiling. I felt so embarrassed. My face went beat red. Johnny looked to Carson and then looked back to me. I then grabbed the pillow and put it over my head while Carson was still laughing and Johnny was in shock.
Johnny's POV:
I didn't actually think this was going to work...but it worked. I was in shock.
I was so surprised she actually moaned. Not going to lie it was really nice to hear but still I was so surprised.
Carson's POV:
When I heard Annie moan, I lost it. I couldn't help but laugh. It kind of turned me on because when me and Kenzie kissed she would sometimes moan but still. It was really funny.
Annie's POV:
It was about an hour later and Carson was asleep and I was sitting at Johnny's desk. Johnny laid on his bed. "Come here." He said calmingly. I shook my head no and crossed my arms together. "Oh come on now Anns." He said pleading. I shook my head no again. "Don't make me come and tickle you." Right when he said that I got up and sat on top of him. He grabbed my arms and placed them to the side of me since they were still crossed. He then out his hands on my waist. "See it's not that bad." He said. I was giving him the silent treatment. "Hey it's payback." He replied smirking at me. I then just laid on top of him. He wrapped his arms around me and we cuddled. I do have to admit. It's hard to stay mad at someone like him. He then whispered in my ear, "I love you." I nodded and drifted off to sleep.

Please read!!! *info on other stories*

A/N: 2006 words! This is the longest story I wrote so far! I hope you enjoyed it! I also wanted to know if you want my next book about hannie or Johannie. Since this one is johannie I'm kind of leaning towards hannie but idk yet. Let me know which on I should do! Love you!! 😊💜

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