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Chapter 1

Thor crashed to earth, a roaring clap of thunder masking the boom of his landing. For a moment he hesitated, kneeling in the rain as he collected his thoughts for the task ahead.

23 Raven Way, Thor reminded himself, that's where the scientist lives.

Thor straightened up slowly and looked around him. He stood in the middle of a pair of crossing dirt roads, quaint little cottages lining the streets neatly. Behind him was a small church, with a vast courtyard filled with gravestones. His keen blue eyes searched for a street sign, and soon found it: Raven Way. His hand tightened around his hammer as he strode down the uneven cobbled pathway to his right, scanning the door fronts for the number 23.

The rain poured down hard, making everything seem even darker than it should be. Thor knew he could stop it if he wanted to and that most Asgardians in his position wouldn't hesitate to do so. But Thor was always sensitive to the mortals of this world, having had to defend them so in the past. He didn't want to frighten them. Besides, the rain was good cover for him to go unnoticed.

Well, as unnoticed as a towering man in a stark red cape and armour, with jaw dropping good looks and a hammer the size of a car tire could be.

By the time Thor had reached the end of the street his blonde hair was glued to his face and neck, and he still hadn't found number 23. Brow creasing, he turned on the spot. It had to be here, he assured himself, peering through the darkness.

The path led off into another street to his left, and to his right the road seemed to veer off into nothingness. There had to be something, he continued to will.

A mighty clap of thunder sounded overhead – and then Thor saw it. A small way off the road to the right was a tiny house, now illuminated in the white glow of lightning. In a flash it was gone, but not before Thor was already stumbling towards it.

The closer he got, the more he could outline some of its features. The house looked older and more fragile than the rest, its double floored body seeming to bend slightly as if it were tired. The windows and door looked battered and uncared for, yet strong and durable, rocking slightly from the force of the wind but still keeping their place.

Thor liked it. It had spirit. Stepping up to the door, his eyes caught the flash of wet silver: 23.

He smiled a sigh of relief, then remembered why he was here and pounded his spare fist on the door. There was a clanging fumbling from within the house before the door cracked timidly open.

A pair of round brown eyes blinked up at him through the small gap. They widened when they glanced down at his attire, the white fingers around the frame twitching.

Before the door could be closed on him, Thor's hand shot out – a little too forcefully – and the door flung fully open, the little figure behind it leaping clear. Thor cursed his lack of care as the girl stood wide eyed and shaking just inside the house, her chest heaving with rapid breaths.

"Are you from S.H.I.E.L.D?" she gasped before Thor could think of what to say.

His brow furrowed again. "No."

The guarded edge in her eyes told Thor she didn't believe him. "Then who are you?"

"I am Thor Odinson of Asgard." The proud boom was automatic, but he mentally snarled at it as the girl trembled more violently. He linked bright blue eyes solemnly with hers and lowered his voice. "I assure you, I mean you no harm."

He meant it. He knew he meant it. Question was would she know he meant it? Gazes locked together, Thor could practically read what she was thinking. She was afraid. Deeply afraid, even if her eyes were as hard as marbles. Her lips parted slightly, drawing in great gulps of oxygen.

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