Chapter Two: What The Hell

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Louis' P.O.V

I sit there dumbfounded. Not only because Christina just ran off with Brittany's phone, but also because I just met the most beautiful guy ever. Liam. Liam, Liam, Liam. I love that name. But of course, as soon as I start thinking I'm jolted out of my thoughts by Christina jumping on the table screeching like a banshee. Yes, I said screeching. This girl has a set of lungs. I start to look over at Jimmy and see him laughing so hard he looks like he will fall out of his chair.

"Is this normal?" I asked worried.

"Of course. She takes anyone's phone whenever their too into it. Something about being more social with each other and shit. I think she's just jealous Harry won't get her one if you ask me." He replies nonchalantly. Right as I'm about to reply she takes my flower crown. Yes I said flower crown. It's who I am. I am a flamboyant gay and I like flower crowns. Get over it. I just look at her in shock as she puts it on her head. I feel my cheeks heating up with anger as I go to stand up. Right before I can Liam grabs her and throws her over his shoulder.

"Put me down bastard! What the hell?" She screams.

He sets her down as he kneels down to get eye level.

"You are going to give Louis his crown back and apologize." He says way too calm. It surprises me how he can keep his cool. That just makes me more attracted to him. Christina walks over and stands on her tippy toes as she places my crown on my head.

"Sorry I took it. I can be quite the handful. Sometimes I get out of hand. Please forgive me?" She asks with the most adorable puppy dog eyes. I realize as I'm looking at her she can't be much older than 14.

"Of course I'll forgive you." I reply as she flings her arms around my neck.

"Liam has never made me apologize to anyone outside the gang. He must really like you." She whispers in my ear. As she pulls away she winks at me.

"I'm straight!" Liam shouts from where he stands.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just come out already." Brittany says walking over towards us. "Oh, and by the way, we have to leave now or they'll call the police." She says nonchalantly like this happens all the time. "So where to now?" She asks.

"Our flat?" Zayn asks.

"Kay." Brittany says as she leans closer to Zayn as this guy won't keep his gaze off her.

"Wait, what about Niall and Louis? Do you guys wanna come? I'm sure we'll order Nando's." Liam says.

Niall's eyes light up. "I love Nando's!" He yells as we walk out the door.

"Great. Let's do it. My flat is right down the road."

*At Zayn and Brittany's flat*

Brittany's P.O.V.

We walk in, Liam walking into the kitchen to call Nando's. The rest of us settle on the couch.

"So Brittany," Niall trails off.

"Yeah, Niall?" I ask.

"You don't really seem like you fit in here."

"Yeah, I don't really. The guys and Christina go off sometimes and do their thing while I stay here and study or read."

"Oh, so you're here alone." Louis pipes up.

"Sometimes. But sometimes my teacher comes over to help me study. I plan on getting into Uni unlike Christina over there." I reply with a smirk.

"She better get her grades up or she won't be seeing anybody anytime soon. Boys or girls." Harry says with a serious expression on his face giving Christina a death glare.

"Wait, boys or girls?" Niall asks.

"Yeah. She's bi." Zayn says casually.

"You act like you aren't." Liam says from the doorway making me jump a little.

"Wait, what?" Louis asks. I stand up to show the boys and Christina my authority and Liam takes a seat so I can explain. "Okay," I say as I sit back down. "Christina's bisexual, and so am I, Zayn and Jimmy. Harry and Liam say their straight but who knows? With these two and the knowledge I have on Harry I would say he would hump a pan if he could. He's a little horndog. And Liam, well he's only dated one girl and they didn't even snog." I said.

"Brittany!" Zayn yells.


"I cannot believe you called Harry a horndog and,"

I cut him off. "Say it's not true."

"It is. but that's not the point."

"So it's how I feel."

"Okay, nevermind." He says sitting down.

"Well, i might as well tell you guys, since I know all this. I'm gay." Niall says proudly.

"Me too!" Louis shouts holding up is flower crown. Wow I can tell I'm going to love these two.

"Anything else, anyone?" I ask.

"Shit!" Christina screams.

"What?" Harry and I say at the same time.

"Brittany, it's 7:33 and we have a test tomorrow on world war 2, and I don't know shit!"

"Oh. Well we'll study later. Don't worry."

We walk back into the living room and I plop down on the bean bag chair I was originally in with Louis, Liam and Zayn on one couch and Niall, Harry, and Jimmy on the other while Christina sits in the other bean bag chair by me.

"I'm gay." Liam says as he runs to the guest room he always stays in.

"What?" Christina screams happily.

"Me too." Harry says, but Jimmy holds him down before he can run.

"I'll be back. I'm going talk to Li. Haz, you can go in my room and I'll come talk to you when I'm done, yeah?"

"Yeah." he says getting up and running to my room.

"No one move. I will be right back an I will know if you moved." I say through gritted teeth while Louis and Niall look to see if I'm serious.

"She's serious. She knows everything." Zayn says with Christina nodding in agreement.

As I walk to go see Liam I start to think. Is this true? Why do he wait to tell us? Is he with Harry? Why did he run off? I think the same things about Harry but I shrug them off as I reach Liam's door.

"Here goes nothing, rubberducky." I say to myself.


Surprise!! It's early!!! I couldn't help it. I can't sleep and I needed something to do so I wrote! Hope you guys liked it. I really am trying. Thanks for reading loves and special thanks to @ForevaBieberHood for voting. I love you! And you're the first vote! Tinabear was so excited when she seen that! Please vote, follow, comment. Thanks loves.

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