Chapter Three: Gay is Okay

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Brittany's P.O.V.

Before I knock, I call down the hall for Christina, "Hey Bubs come here!"

"Yeah, Rubberducky."

"Go talk to Haz for me. I'll be there, but you go first. He really needs his little sister. You're all he has."

"Kay. I'll let you know when I'm done."

"And Bubs?"

"Yeah, Rubberducky?"

"Be gentle. So be me, not you."

"Got it. Love you Rubberducky."

"You too Bubs." As she walks off down the hall, I repeat it to myself again.

"Here goes nothing, Rubberducky."

Then I knock.

Liam's P.O.V.

"Come in." I call as Brittany knocks on the door.

"Hey Li. Are you ready to talk?" She asks as she sits down.

I look at her and can't help but hug her. She's like my little sister. As I go to speak, I look into her eyes and stop. You can see the worry in them. I go to speak again and my voice cracks. The only thing I can do is break down crying on her shoulder. She lets me cry until I can't anymore. After maybe an hour of crying, I look up and speak.

"I wasn't lying. I'm gay. And I like Louis. I know if I get to know him, which I want to, I'm going to fall in love. No one knows, but I've always been gay." As I say the last part, I look up at her. He doesn't have disgust, sorrow, or pity. She looks....... happy?

" It's fine Li. No ones going to judge you. Why would we?" She says with a laugh.

"Thanks Britt. I don't know what we'd do without you."

"No problem. I'm going see Harry, okay?"

"Yeah." As I walk her to the door of the guest room, I remember I'm at her an Zayn's flat.

"Can I stay here tonight?"

"Yeah, of course Li. The duvet you like to use is in the closet." She replies.

As she walks down the hall, she calls out, "Sleepover! Pick a guest room!"

"Why tonight? Don't you and Christina have a test tomorrow?" Zayn calls back.

"Yeah, but we have to study tonight anyway! Bubs go ahead and sleep in my room tonight! Zaynie give Paul a ring and tell him to come over here tomorrow." She screams.

"Alright!" Christina and Zayn call at the same time. She nears the guest room where Harry stays and knocks as I'm walking back into my own room for the night.

Harry's P.O.V.

Why? Why did I say it? I'm so stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Then when I ran off like a mad man I'm sure my chances with Niall flew out the window. I don't know what it is, but that boy does something to me. When he talks his accent melts my heart. His eyes, oh his eyes! I could lost in those beautiful blue orbs. When he first walked in the coffee shop with Jimmy I got butterflies. I don't know why, but I have to have him. I just have too. He's just....

I'm jolted on my thoughts by a soft knock on the door. "Come in." I say, barely audible. Who ever it is heard me because the handle starts to jiggle.

Christina. Thank god.

I'm so glad it's my little sister. The minutes she sits on the bed, I lose it. I full on sob like a baby into her neck. I truly have the best sister ever. I cry for what seems like days but in reality is only thirty minutes.

"Ready?" She asks.


"Well, spill." She urges.

" TeeTee, you have to believe me when I say this. I think I've been gay all along. I think Niall just helped me realize I am. When I first say him with Jimmy when Jimmy walked up I got intense butterflies. I like him, a lot. I want to get to know him. I don't know what it is but that boy does something to me. Something I don't even understand. I just, I need some help." I tell her.


"Can you tell the guys that I really am gay. I'm positive. Just, don't tell them about Niall. Not yet anyway. Only you and Brittany will know. Well as soon as she gets her ass in here."

"Alright. And HazzaBear?"

"Yea sis?"

"Gay is okay." She says. Using the same exact line I told her when she told me she was bisexual. But what can I say? She can handle her own and she knows what she wants. She doesn't beat around the bush or procrastinate. She is "fun sized" and in charge. She's my little firecracker.

Niall's P.O.V.

As soon as Christina leaves the room, me and Louis get up to leave.

"We're going to head home now." Louis says about to walkout.

"Wait! Here is mine and Zayn's number. Text us we should hang out again." He says handing Louis the paper.

"Alright. Louis says as we walk out."

We get a little further down and I stop in my tracks, making Louis stop too.

"I like Harry." I say before I can stop myself.

"Good for you. I like Liam." Louis says cooly.

"I just got so excited when he said he was gay and then Harry."

"Me too. But you don't think...."

" No! Not possible."

"Okay." He says as he unlocks the door to our flat. Once inside I go straight to my room. I rummage around in my dresser until I find basketball shorts and some boxers, then I go to my bathroom to shower. As I get in and let the water hit my back I can't help but think of Harry. I get out and as soon as I hit the bed, I pass out.

Louis' P.O.V.

Niall goes straight up to his room, as do I. I plop down on my bed, thinking of Liam. His beautiful brown quiff that's just so perfect. Those chocolate brown eyes I can get lost in. I can't help but think of how fit he is. He is just perfect. And the way he stayed calm earlier tonight when anyone else would've freaked on Christina. I want to know him. Not just the normal things, but everything. What makes him tick, what makes him cry or laugh, what does no one else know about him. It may not be love at first sight, but definitely infatuation. As I keep thinking, I drift off into a restless sleep.

*Back at Brittany and Zayn's flat*

Harry's P.O.V.

Christina left about ten minutes ago, and then I hear a knock.

"Come on BrittBrat." I call to the door.

She enters with a smirk.

"You like Niall, don't you?"

"What?" I choke out.

"I see how you look at him. Don't deny it."

"Okay. You got me. I don't know if I've always been gay, but I've never enjoyed being with women. I think I've always been gay and Niall just helped me figure it out. I can't wait to get to know him."

"That's great!" She says a little to excitedly.

"Yeah, well, Christina is telling the guys for me."

"Okay Haz. Well we're having a sleepover, so get yourself a shower and the clothes you left last time are in the dresser. Get some sleep, Haz. You need it." She tells me with a small smile.

"Okay BrittBrat. Thanks for everything, love."

"Anything for you Haz." She says as she walks out, shutting the door.


This chapter took a lot. I really don't know where it all comes from. If you guys have any ideas or predictions please comment. Thanks loves.

~Britt xx

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