first fight

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I wake up to my alarm blaring. Yesterday was a bad day for me. I get dressed and start heading to school. I'm thrirty minutes late.
"Why am I always late." I say to myself.
I reach the school with five minutes to spare, I run into the class and see the kid I saved.
"Oh hey Sero." I say almost running into him.
"Oh hey your that kid that saved me." He says.
"Peter." I say kinda offended.
"Oh, right. Sorry." He says.
"Class sit." Mr Aizawa walks in....inside a sleeping bag. And everyone sits. "Today w-." Mr Aizawa is interrupted.
"WE FIGHT!" All Might yells walking in the class. "BUT FIRST COUSTUMES they are over there in those boxes go check your number." All Might says and we all get up excited and check out our suits. I grab and open container fifteen.
"Just as I imagined it." I say smiling
"Can I see Peter." Midoriya asks me.
"No you'll have to wait." I say closing the container and sitting back at my desk.
"RIGHT LET'S GO KIDS." All Might exclaims and walks out the class. We all follow.
About fifteen minutes later we are all suited up and ready to get going. Well everyone except me and Midoriya. We are having issues putting them on.
"Ah ok now everything is lined up...." Midoriya says. He then stares at me
"I got it under control to." I say putting on my mask.
"Dude that is such a cool suit." He says.
"Really? I don't thank so....I mean it's cool but it's not the best." I say. After Midoriya gets his shoes on we walk outside, Midoriya first. When he walks out everyone pays attention to him just as I planned. So I walk out afterwards.

As I'm messing with my web shooters under the suit Sero and Momo notice me standing there

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As I'm messing with my web shooters under the suit Sero and Momo notice me standing there.
"Wow dude nice suit." Sero says walking over.
"I agree with him." Momo says following.
"Thanks guys, yours are pretty cool to." I say. I think it's weird on how revealing Momo's is but it works with her quirk.
"GREAT COUSTUMES EVERYONE!" All Might exclaims. "LET'S GET TEAMS TOGETHER." he choses teams. "Now I know that there's a odd number so three of you will have to fight twice. Momo you are on Peter's team to be a villain. Now Bakugo and Todoroki are the hero's going against Peter and Momo let's GO!" he says we leave the first two teams there being Midoriya and Urakaka being the hero's as well as Bakugo and Lida being the villains. The hero's have to get to the bomb or tie up both villains with the tape we have to win, but the villains only need to tie up the hero's. The match starts. (I can't rewrite the entire fight but if you watched the anime you know what happens already)
"OMG I HAVE TO FIGHT HIM!?" I yell after seeing what Bakugo can do.
"Hey we'll be fine." Momo says then walks off for her turn. Everybody else has their turn. And I'm afraid for me and Momo because neither one of us know how to fight.
"Man Jessica you had time to teach me." I say.
"We need a plan before this round is over." Momo says.
" we just need to cover the bomb make it hard to get to. That's all I got.."
I say kinda worried.
"We can make do." She says.
"Ok Peter your turn go get ready you guys get five more minutes of prep time." All Might says. We nod and head to the building.
Momo covers the bomb with a metal like sheet and I web It down so it can't be ripped off.
We hear a large explosion then my spider sense goes off
"Did it start?" As I ask that the floor freezes over but I hang on a web so I don't get stuck but Momo still gets stuck.
"Hey find a way to get unstuck I'll hold them off." I say then I crawl away on the ceiling. 'If Bakugo fought Midoriya  the way he will he fight me.' I think to myself. I turn a corner and see Bakugo walking twaords the room.
"Ok here goes nothing." I whisper to myself. I drop down I front of Bakugo and throw a punch at him but he grabs it in mid air.
"You really wanna die don't you?" He says with a evil smirk on his face. He uses his quirk in his hand with my fist tearing through to glove burning my hand. I yank it away then hits me with a large right hook hitting me with his gauntlet. I stumble back.
"Well I guess we are gonna have a blast together." I say then I shoot a web line to each of his feet and slide under him and yank him off his feet but instead of falling on his face he uses his quirk to stand up.
"You think I'm that stupid." He says turning around. As he says that my spider sense goes off so I jump to the ceiling dodging the ice spike that came at me.
*Midoriya's POV*
I walk in the screening room and see peter fighting both Bakugo and Todoroki at the same time.
"What is he doing?." I ask
"Momo got stuck by the ice so he went to hold them off. It's not going well." Lida says. I start to worry, the to most powerful kids in class as they have shown already and Pete is fighting them by himself.
*Peters POV*
I dodge another blast from Bakugo and another ice spike from Todoroki.
"Wow guys that's not very ICE of you" I say kicking Todoroki in the face.
"Okay enough playing around." Todoroki says and sends a barrage of ice spikes at me pinning me to the wall.
"I'll stay here with the runt." Bakugo says. And Todoroki walks off.
"Come on don't give me the cold shoulder Todoroki." I say as he walks off.
About three minutes pass until I try to con Bakugo to let me out.
"Hey you know if he get the bomb he wins and gets all the credit...." I say looking at him.
"Shut up!" He yells and blasting the wall beside my face melting the ice spike keeping my shoulder still.
"Thanks." I say. I remove my arm and I shoot a web line to his face and I hit it against the ice giving me enough time to move the biggest piece of ice and break free.
"HAH." I yell as I run away to go help Momo.
*Momo's POV*
I'm the last line of defense since Peter is now large shield I made to block the door way is failing....I can't hold it much longer anyways.
"Just give up Yayourzi we will win." Todoroki says jamming another ice spike through my shield.
*Peter's POV*
I'm running through the halls with Bakugo not to far behind pissed off. I turn the next corner to see Todoroki.
"Ok...." I say I turn around and see Bakugo. I continue running at Todoroki.
"HALF HALF KID GET HIM!" Bakugo yells. Todoroki turns around and shoots a ice spike at me but I dodge it and start running on the ceiling and the ice hits Bakugo and I get back on the floor grab Todoroki by the arm and throw him over my shoulder slamming him in the ground.
"Keep the sheild up Momo we have eight minutes left." I say as both Todoroki and Bakugo stand up. I web down Bakugo and face Todoroki.
"I won." He says and points and my arm. I look at my right arm and he iced it.
"I'll make it work." I say. I run after him and I go to punch him with my left hand but he catches it and trys to ice it. But before he can do that I hit him with my right arm then I use the tape and quickly wrap it around him.
"Your out." I say panting.
"Your quick." Todoroki says. I nod then my spider sense goes off I look behind me then Bakugo blast me in the face taking half my mask.
"DIE!" He yells and grabs me and uses his quirk to slam me in the ground but I kick him in the face and he let's me go.
"I'm done playing." I say.
"So am I." Bakugo says. He in hooks his gunlets and the pin shows, and pulls it out with it pointing at me.
*Midoriya's POV*
I see peter get hit directly with Bakugo's gauntlet blast.
"He was in a small hall way he had no way to dodge it." I say. Lida nods then there's another blast.
*Peters POV*
After the second blast my web shield dissolves. Sadly I wasn't quick enough so my costume is gone....well except my pants. Not burned somehow though.
"Good job Momo." I say.
(A.n.: thanks for reading this you guys I'm working hard on it, I also hope you like the longer chapters because every time there's a fight it'll be a longer one I'll see you guys next time.)

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