Chapter Fifteen

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Cas's POV
Cas sat in the passenger seat of the Impala as Dean drove to the middle school. He looked out the window as the trees flashed by, thinking about his family situation.

"What's wrong Cas?" Dean voice asked from beside him. Cas still hasn't gotten used to having someone care about his feelings like Dean does. The corners of his lips turned up slightly.

"Nothing. I'm just worried about Naomi's reaction when I tell her I'm gay. She won't be happy, to say the least." The small smile he had was now gone. Suddenly his hand was encased in warmth as Dean held it in his own.

"Look, whatever happens, just know that you can come to me alright? Gabe too." Car turned his head to look at Dean and smiled.

"I'm glad your my friend." he said. Dean chuckled a bit.

"You know, I wasn't planning on having any friends, but I'm glad that I met you." They pulled into the middle school, their hands still laced together, Sam and Gabe got in the backseat together.

"Question," Dean started, "why was Gabe on your back?"

"Didn't you hear? The moose and I are going to get married!" Cas rolled his eyes at his brothers declaration.

"Apparently I insult him too much so now I have to carry him around all day." Sam explained.

"Oh. Okay." Dean replied. Neither Cas nor Dean noticed that their hands were still together as Dean drove off.

They arrived at the Winchester house and Sam and Gabe are the first to get out. Before Sam can even close his door Gabe is on his back and screaming, "Onward moose!" Cas can practically hear Sam's eyes roll as he carries Cas's child-like brother into the house. Dean laughs, tilting his head back slightly as he does so.

"Your brother is gonna drive my brother up a wall." Cas laughs with him.

"Did you see what was in the bag they were carrying?" Cas asked. Dean shook his head.

"No. Why?"

"I don't know, maybe it's something from school. I just can't shake this feeling that some poor soul is going to get pranked today." Dean laughed lightly.

"Yeah, hopefully it's not too bad. I would hate to have to explain to the kids parents why their kid is suddenly missing a finger." Cas chuckled, but still had a slightly disturbed expression on his face.

"Well, come on." Dean got out of the car and waited for Cas to do the same. When they were out of the car they went into the house and heard muffled laughing coming from Sam's room. Cas winced.

"I don't trust those laughs."

"They're probably laughing at a video on YouTube or... something." Dean said, although he didn't sound too sure about it. He lead Cas to his room and right when they opened the door a bucket of glitter was dumped over them. Cas let out a small scream while Dean gasped.

"I'm gonna KILL you guys!" Dean yelled. There was louder laughing coming from Sam's room and the sound of a lock clicking. Cas was still in shock that he had glitter all over him. He looked down to inspect his clothes and found rainbow glitter covering every inch of his shirts, pants, and shoes. He looked up at Dean and found if hard to control his laughter. Dean was even more covered in rainbow glitter than Cas was, if that was even possible. Dean turned and looked at him.

"Dean, I think you have something on your face." Cas tried to say it with a straight face, but ended up with a huge grin. Maybe it was because he was gay and it was now impossible for him to have a straight face.

"Yeah, thank you captain obvious." He then walked over to his drawer and got out two pairs of pants and shirts. He handed one of the outfits to Cas.

"Here, you can wear this while we wash your clothes. I doubt Naomi would be happy if you show up covered in glitter." Cas took them and Dean started taking off his shirt. Cas felt heat rise in his cheeks. He stood there, examining Dean's chest as Dean fumbled with his shirt.

"Are you gonna change or are you just gonna stare at my sexy body?"

Can't I do both? Cas though.

Cas rolled his eyes and began taking off his own shirt. He could feel Dean's eyes on him the whole time.

"Now who's staring?" Cas asked with a sly grin. Dean cleared his throat and Cas could see a deep blush forming on his cheeks. He chuckled as Dean walked over to his bathroom to change his pants. Cas also changed and when he was done he sat on Dean's bed, waiting for him to finish.

Dean came out and stopped walking to stare at Cas. He takes his eyes up and down Cas's body and Cas shifted on the bed.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Nothing, it's just, my clothes suit you." Dean said, smirking. Cas rolled his eyes while trying to suppress a smile.

"Shut up." he said half-heartedly. Truth is, he liked complimented him. Dean made his way to his bed and sat down next to Cas.

"How did you know?" Dean asked.
Cas pulled his eyebrows together and tilted his head.

"How did I know what?"

"How did you know you were gay?"

Cas just stared at him. He hadn't expected Dean to ask him that.

"Um... I realized in seventh grade. My friend tried to kiss me and I didn't stop him. After we kissed he said that it didn't mean anything and he was just experimenting, but it meant something to me. We stopped talking after that, but since then I started to find guys attractive." Cas finished and Dean was staring intently at him.


"Cas, can... can I kiss you?" Dean asked timidly. Cas nodded his head and Dean leaned in and connected their lips. Cas felt a tug at his heart; he felt complete. Kissing Dean felt so right and he didn't want it to stop, so he reached up with one hand and grabbed the back of Dean's head, keeping him in place. Dean, in return, placed one hand on the back of Cas's neck while the other slowly moved to Cas's hip. Dean's tongue darted out across Cas's lips and Cas granted him entrance. Their tongues battled for dominance and in the end Cas let Dean win, savoring the feel of Dean's lips on his. All too soon Dean pulled back, panting. Cas pressed his forehead to Dean's and they stayed like that for a few minutes, until they heard the door open and Sam came in carrying Gabe on his back.

Dean and Cas quickly pulled away from eachother, but it was too late.

"MY SHIP HAS SAAAAIIILED!!!" Gabe screamed. He hopped off Sam and started running around the house, repeatedly yelling about his ship. Sam just stood there, too shocked to move. Just then Gabe came back in and held out his hand in front of Sam.

"Pay up Samsquach!" Sam groaned and fished out a twenty dollar bill and handed it to Gabe. Gabe laughed and leaned up to give Sam a kiss on the cheek. Sam turned a bright red and ran out of the room, hiding his head in his hands.

"You guys bet on us?" Cas asked. Gabe nodded vigorously.

"Yup. I bet that you would get together before the week ended and Sam bet it would never happen 'cause Dean wouldn't embrace the rainbow." Dean sat there with his mouth hanging open.

"I still can't believe you guys bet on our relationship." Dean said after a while. Gabe just shrugged and left. Cas laughed and Dean turned to look at him, smiling.

"So, what does this make us?" Dean asked, still smiling at Cas.

"Well, I'm hoping it means we can be boyfriends?" Cas asked hopefully. Dean laughed and pecked Cas's nose.

"Yeah, I would like that." Dean replied. Cas gave him a wide smile and leaned into Dean's side. Dean wrapped an arm around his shoulders and pressed a lingering kiss in his hair. Cas sighed happily and closed his eyes. He wished they could just stay here in this moment. No one to disrupt them and completely content.
Heeyyyyyyy so I finally made it happen! Your welcome. Next, we see what's going on in the Sabriel department... Peace!✌

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