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art is by dailykrumbs on twitter !! check out their art !!

rjerjerjerrdjsjfh I CANT THINK OF AN AU

kimi ni todoke! AU

based off  one of my favorite anime


third pov

bakugou katsuki, one of the most feared students in kitahoro high school, had quite a rude nickname from his classmates in middle school because of his appearance. 

kira. (this was hard cuz in Kimi, the girl has a nickname of a evil spirit from a movie because it sounds like her name and she looks like the spirit. SO death note ref.) 

sounding close to the english word, "killer". though bakugou has never killed anyone.

sadden by such rumors, bakugou has tried to interact with his fellow classmates. Whether it was saying good morning or picking up things people have dropped.

they always ran away. 

it was a few months into the new school year, bakugou was walking towards the entrance of kitahoro, saying good morning to sero hanta and kaminari denki, his two classmates. they jumped at the loud boom of bakugou. still as stone, they apologized. 

'why do they always apologize grr.' bakugou, distressed, kicked up rocks.

laughter blossomed in an area ahead of bakugou. In the center of all the people from bakugou's class, even upperclassmen, was uraraka ochako. 

everything about her was refreshing, the way she could light up the room, talk to anyone. she was so bright, as bakugou would describe her. 

bakugou was jealous, but it wasn't really jealously. bakugou wanted to be like her, friendly, approachable, and refreshing. he wouldn't call it jealously, more like...admiration. 

uraraka, noticing bakugou, stopped and smiled. him.

"good morning bakugou!" she smiled so big bakugou thought her mouth would fall off. 

"g-g-good-" before bakugou could finish his greeting, uraraka's attention was on her friend, tsu, asking her if she had finished her homework.

'wahhh she greeted me!' bakugou freaked out inside. 

going to class, bakugou noticed how everyone loved uraraka. she knew how get people to like her, she could talk to anyone. they all surrounded her, like moths to a light.

'she really an angel.' bakugou commented in his head. he sat down at his table that was in the middle, near the back. 

uraraka glanced at bakugou, then back to all the people near her. 

the teacher, awizawa, came in, looking tired as usual.

"oh right everyone take your sits. i need to talk to you guys about something. as you know, we have students help over summer break to clean and such. i need at least one student to help me over the summer." awizawa looked around to see darting faces left to right and never to him.

'no one else wants to do it.' bakugou thought, 'guess I'll do it again.' 

bakugou slowly put up his hand, the whole class froze.

"ah bakugou-san, are you su-" awizawa was cut off by uraraka speaking,

"sensei, we always have bakugou do the work." she noted.

"well would you like to do it?" 

uraraka put on a weird thinking face and said yes.

bakugougot up, out of his seat. "please let me do it, I will be very bored this summer, very very, very bored." bakugou muttered. 

"okay, you're on duty." awizawa said as he wrote it down.

"ne, you got lucky ochaco." uraraka's friend, tsu, commented.

uraraka rubbed her cheeks. "haha i guess so." she looked over at bakugou who looked glum. 

in reality, bakugou was very happy.

'I can't believe she noticed.' bakugou thought.

bakugou was watering the flowerbeds on the sides of the school. 


still overjoyed by the events in class and taking care of the flowerbeds, bakugou didn't notice his middle school friend, kirishima. he was in a different class, but they still talked a lot.

"hey katsuki! how are the flowers." kiri asked, smiling.

bakugou smiled at his friend, "good, I wish I wasn't the only shithead to take care of them though." bakugou casually cursed.

"katsuki watch your mouth. how are your classes, is everyone nice?" 

"yeah, there's this one girl though."

"uraraka right?" kiri asked.

"mhm, she's really nice, like an angel. she just refreshing."

kirishima made a noise that caused bakugou to look at him. kirishima was look at the window they were by.

there stood uraraka ochako.

bakugou frozen and mad at himself, started cursing under his breath.

"hey" uraraka called him out, "was that a compliment, refreshing?" she seemed serious. 

"don't say ye-" kiri whispered to bakugou.

"yes." bakugou said proudly.

"HUH?!" kirishima exclaimed.

"haha." uraraka laughed, "stay there I wanna talk to you." she ran off.

kirishima disappeared with a second thought.

"HUH?!" it was bakugou's turn to exclaim.

bakugou, much taller than the girl, seemed much more timid as he never really talked to anyone at his school. 

"you're bakugou, right? the most feared person in this school." uraraka walked up to him and pinched his cheeks, "you don't seem like a Kira." she laughed as she struggled to reach him. 

"well, thats not really my name it's-"

"katsuki." the world seemed to slow down as she called his name. no one knew his name, no one but kiri. "that's your name right? it's a cute name, even if it means 'win' and 'myself'"

"w-what about your name?? your last name means peaceful and wonderful. it describes you per-" bakugou was cut off by uraraka's smile.

this was definitely the start of something...wonderful.

WOOHOO happy kacchako week everyone !! sorry this kinda sucks and makes no sense lol

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