fake dating

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omg i forgot to write yesterday hhhh
art is by  kamilecn on tumblr !!
i'm gonna be so far behind omg
this is gonna be reallllllyyyy short

the classroom of 1-a was quiet, peaceful. the students chatting among one another. uraraka ochako sat with the girls of 1-a.

the peacefulness was smacked away by the presence of bakugou, who had an overwhelming aura of confidence.

"hey, round face," bakugou stopped in front of uraraka, smirking, "go out with me."

it sounded more like a demand to uraraka, "HUH?!"

a few days ago.

"round face, i need us to fake date for a few days." bakugou stood at uraraka's dorm room.

"bakugouu, be quiet !" uraraka looked around franticlly, "it's late, bakugou. why are you bringing such a thing up?"

"i need to make ya-momo jealous." he lied.

"momo-san ? you like her?" disappointment touched uraraka's words. "well, i'll help you then."

"for real ?" bakugou knew how uraraka felt about him, it was kinda obvious.

"yeah, you're my friend!" uraraka smiled sadly.

chatter exploded around the classroom as uraraka say there.  'he so blunt !'

"well, round face, what do you say?" bakugou held out his hand for her.

uraraka took it, looking down towards the side, embarrassed.

"yes, bakugou, i would love to go out with you." uraraka muttered.

after a few days of faking dating bakugou, uraraka realized it wasn't really for momo.

"you know bakugou, you haven't mentioned momo once since we started fake dating." currently, they were both out for ice cream and sitting on bench in a park.

"haha, well believe it or not, round face, i did this just to be with you."

"i know you know that i like you. why go through all this trouble?" uraraka lightly kicked his leg.

"tch, i don't know. asking you out for real scared me a lot, but doing it fake made it seem less of a weight. what if i was wrong with you liking me? i guess it was an escape route incase you didn't like me." bakugou smiler softly at uraraka.

"awww you're so cute bakugou ! you were scared haha." uraraka pinches bakugou's cheeks as she teased him.

the two walked home together, hand in hand. it felt different, there was finally a knowing of mutual respect and affection.

the sun felt warmer as it laid down to rest and the star shone must brighter.

i'm sooo behind so sorry !! happy kacchako week !! much love !

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