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art is by kamilecn on tumblr!!

day one: summer
they're in a relationship already


"happy birthday midoriya ! happy birthday to yoouuu." everyone sang along.


"katsuuukkii please get up." uraraka punched the sleeping  boy, "get up, get up, get up, get up.." she chanted nonstop.

"oi, stop it round face! why are we getting up ? there's no classes today." bakugou groaned and rolled over to face uraraka.

"it's deku's birthday ! we have something for his birthday and everyone is gonna be there! iiiiii wannnaa go please." uraraka pouted.

"you know, you can go where ever you want right?"

"buuttt I want you there." uraraka babbled.

"you're so cute, you know that round face." snickered bakugou as he pinched her cheeks.

"you tell me everyday ! now get ready for wahhh."

bakugou rolled uraraka over to the bed, comfortably in his arms. "can't we just sleep in?"  bakugou played with her hair.

"nope, after deku's party, i wanna do something! it's gonna be fun." 

"fine, but im only going because you want me to, im not being nice that dumbass." bakugou sneered.

"just try to keep your comments to yourself please, it's his birthday."


"where is his party?" bakugou asked .

"the beach!"

at the beach...

"thank you everyone!" midoriya raved.

the small group of friends were under a tent, balloons and streamers decorated the sky and summer heat radiate after the white sand.

"bakugou ! let's go swim !!." uraraka dragged bakugou towards the foaming edge of the cotton water.

uraraka brought up water to bakugou's face, splashing him. making him look like, in uraraka's words, a devil that just got hit with holy water.

"you're such a brat!!" bakugou rubbed her cheeks together and ruffled her hair.

"ne, you're so sensitive, baka-gou."


"how did you have a spelling mistake out loud."

bakugou and uraraka sat in the sand, enjoying the slipping warm of the sun set. everyone else went back to the dorms, it was just them.

"you're such a shithead." bakugou blurted out.

"so mean katsukiiii.." uraraka puff her cheeks and leaned towards bakugou.

"but you make summer a lot better." bakugou grinned.

"so sappy. ne, can we go to the bon odori? there's one tonight. i have my yukata and everything."

"anything for you." they shared a kiss under the slipping warm of summer.

so short sorry !! but day one !! have a great kacchako week
oh and bon odori or bon dance is a tradition Japanese gathering where people dance to welcome the spirits. it's usually held in august in japan but here in hawaii it starts in june.

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