Feeling alone 7th grade au

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TW: Cussing, anxiety attack/panic attack.

Get ready for the angst

Virgils POV:

This is so going to bug him. But what are you supposed to do right, virgil? You just had to ask roman to come over to talk! Your a dumbass...  But at the same time, maybe youll feel better? Not likely, but maybe. 

As that thought went through virgils mind he heard the door open, assuming it was roman he straightened, watching the walk way for the brunette to appear.  When he saw roman, he held his breath, praying to the gods to help him get through this awful conversation.

"He-hey roman... Uh whats up?" Virgil asked, tensing up as he saw the others face turn worried. He didnt want to worry him, but he was going to worry HIMSELF to death if he didnt talk to someone about what was wrong.

"Hey Virgil. Im doing okay. Um-well, whats up with you? You seemed nervous-well more nervous than usual on that text...Is something the matter?" And thats when Virgil knew there was no turning back now. He sighed, motioning for roman to sit down, as his his head sunk, facing the ground. 

"Im freaked out, like usual. Schools starting, and well... im fucking scared. You know how awful last year was for me." Virgil shivered at this, looking back at 6th grade. Everyone harrased him, all his friends left him, and he fell for a guy that didnt love him back. His grades went down, his parents got tired of him needing them to comfort him, so he gave up and went through school depressed, with hightened anxiety. Roman looked at him, again with worry. He stuck out his arm and rubbed small circles in virgils back. Virgil leaning into the contact, feeling slightly less anxious. Roman smiled at that action, quickly blushing at what he was doing.

"Well, tell me about what youre afraid of for this year." Roman asked, rubbing larger circles now. But grew sad when he saw virgils expression darken. That was a rare look for virgil, and roman has only seen it about 2 times:When virgil got turned down by deciet, and when virgil lost logan and patton dew to his anxiety. Roman wouldnt leave him though, he cared for virgil, and he knew he couldnt control having anxiety.

"Its the same school, same people. And i know they havent matured over one summer. Ive gotten darker looking, so hey! Even more a reason for them to pick on me. And when i see logan and patton, i know thats going to mess with me. We both know that..." Roman nodded, agreeing with the last statment. Roman then looked at virgil and saw his eyes twinkle slightly, and saw a single tear slip down his cheek. This really IS bothering virgil if hes crying. Roman thought, then he stuck out his other arm, and higged virgil. This suprised them both, but virgil jumped towards roman, whick didnt seem possible since they were already so close together. And he cried harder, leaning his head into the crook of romans neck, sniffling slightly.

 When he calmed down and began to back away, he looked in romans eyes and saw roman smile. It was warm, and caring. Virgil thought roman would hate him since he was going to him while he was sad. No one likes to be near sad people. But roman looked genuinly caring. And virgil then realized roman wasnt going anywhere. When virgil felt romans lips on his, he jumped but slowly leaned in. Smiling into that kiss. 

His lips were slightly wet since he had been crying, but neither minded. Romans hands fell onto virgils waist as he added more pressure to the others lips. As he leaned out, he took a look at the boy in front of him, and saw the most beautiful thing ever, a smile. The most loving smile he had ever seen. This is what happens when you prove youll stay with a person at the brink of madness. This is the look you get? "Deciet, logan, and patton really are missing out on an amzing person. With amazing eyes, and an amazing smile." Virgil blushed and roman followed after, not meaning to say that aloud. But all virgil did was giggle.

He is beautiful.

Roman thought.

Hey guys, so like, this is how i write now? Idk its kinda different isnt it? Well i hope you enjoyed this. Goodbye lovelys.

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