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They started from a small seedling growing up slowly but sure in our mind. In our heart. Watered by the constant praise and fostered by the encouragement from the people around us. No doubt is ever present to conceal the small and fragile seedling still hungry for the light of hope. No. The small seedling will, no, must grow to a big tree with deep enough root and with confidence unshakeable by even the strongest storm life may create. And so we take care of that small seed carefully, lovingly, gently. We nurture it so that it will become as big as it can be in the future. And so it grew. Slowly but sure. Then once its roots were deep enough to keep itself planted firmly in our mind and heart, the storms come one by one. It comes as a deep sigh and worry lines etched deep on our parents' worn out face. It comes in the form of a loud bellow of protest from families who frown and try their hardest to find faults out of their well-meaning concerns. It comes from the same people who once put so much care into growing that small yet beautiful seed into a tall and magnificent tree. Then the shadows, worries, concerns start to slowly seep into the deeply seated root of that once strong tree. For some, it won't affect the deeply rooted tree of dreams and it will bloom and grow still. But for some, it will seep so deep, the root will start to decay even though not gone. No. Never gone. Merely forgotten. And maybe someday, we can muster up the courage to shed some much needed light and sunshine to that long forgotten tree and watch it bloom into an even stronger and bigger tree than it was before. Till then, it waits.

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