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Hi, I'm Renee and I'll be posting quotes and tweets and even some of my own thoughts about politics and trends mostly based on America and my political views. I am a 23 year old woman, I am married, I am unable to have children so I have lots of pets, mostly reptiles. I am third generation Irish and my husband is third generation Italian. My political views do not define me, but they are important to me. America is my home, as would any other sane individual, i love and protect my home.
If you're new here or you wanna be friends, leave a fun fact about yourself below. Even if you don't want to be friends, you can leave a fun fact lol (: enjoy x

If you are a liberal, the exit is that way —> please do not come here just to argue. If you disagree, that's totally fine. But I'm not coming onto your page commenting disgusting comments, so all I ask of you is to treat me with that same respect.

• if you don't know your history and all you want to do is put your opinion out there, please just don't.
Go and read a book, study hard, brush up on your American history, go over every detail with a fine tooth comb, then come talk to me. Don't come up on my page making a fool of yourself and disturbing me all because you disagree.

•if you genuinely want to have civil conversations in the comment section, please feel free to do so, I have absolutely no problem with people conversing. I just do not want anybody to get bullied or attacked for their beliefs. Don't treat us how you claim we treat you. If you don't want to be bashed and bullied, don't bash and bully others :)

•this book isn't to make anybody feel ashamed for their beliefs, it's for those of us likeminded adults to talk over topics we agree on, to talk it out if we have varying opinions.

•anybody is welcome here, but i truly do not see the point of you being here if you believe something completely opposite and just want to argue. that's not for me, that's not what we do here, we're adults with jobs and kids and lives, we ain't got the time to be all up on here going to battle in a Wattpad Wars with a bunch of kids.

Welcome and Enjoy.

Politics Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now