The definition of happy ending~~

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Gray and Natsu had been together for about two and a half years and their relationship was something... special, let's go with that, but beautiful. They were just made for each other.

Gray had moved to Natsu's house a bit over a year ago, and he loved it there. The first few months had been really hard, but that ended up with them becoming even closer.

Happy, Natsu's cat, likes Gray too. Or at least, the cat accepts him. Which is something, since Happy is not a very friendly cat.

"Natsu!" Gray shouted. "I'm going out. I need some air, and I have some things to buy. Two birds, one stone."

"Woah woah woah, stripper, you're not going anywhere." Natsu said and walked close to Gray, smiling seductively at him.

"We have the house to ourselves since no one ever comes here unless they're invited," Natsu continued, "and you're just going to leave. Not even giving me a goodbye kiss? That's rude."

Gray put his arms around Natsu and pulled him close.

"Your tries to seduce me always fail, did you know that?" He said and kissed Natsu.

"Yeah, yeah, sure hun. Don't be out too long, please." Natsu said after the kiss.

"Okay babe." Gray said and left.

Natsu smiled.

"I wonder what he's buying. Probably not clothes, he hates buying clothes, and he hates wearing them almost as much."

Natsu walked into the kitchen and put some bread in the toaster. He took a jar of jam out of the fridge.

Happy came in as Natsu struggled with the lid.

Then, suddenly a loud *pop* could be heard, which startled Happy.

The cat jumped a little at the sound, meowed angrily and walked out again.

"Fine then, you scared-of-everything cat piece of shit."

Natsu sighed and spread the jam on the hot bread.

He really hoped Gray wouldn't be out for too long, he didn't like when Gray said he was going out for a short time and then came back hours later. It happened more than you'd think.

Speaking of Gray, he could be found in a flower shop. He wanted to get Natsu something else than ice roses, something more real and special. Like real roses.

He found some that reminded him of fire: they were an orange-yellow colour with a dark orange, almost red line at the edge of the petals. He decided to buy them and walked home.

As soon as Gray opened the door, Natsu ran to him.

"Hey Gray! What are you holding behind your back?" Natsu said curiously.

Gray smiled and with showed the roses to Natsu.

"Oh, Gray, they're beautiful!" Natsu said and took the roses out of Gray's hand. "But why exactly did you buy me roses? I mean, not that I don't like them, I really do, but it seems a bit odd for a normal day."

"Maybe it isn't a normal day" Gray said and started to do ice make magic.

"Gray... What are you doing?" Natsu said as Gray got down on one knee. In his hands was now a jewelry box made out of ice, and when it was opened, Natsu noticed the ice ring in it.

The perks of being a creation mage.


Gray smiled.

"Natsu... I don't know how to say this, but, I'll try my best. Ever since we were little, you've always been very special to me. As a rival, as a best friend, and now these last years, as a lover. It's been difficult and people have tried to take us apart. but we've made it through and now we're here. Everywhere we go, we face difficulties, and new adventures awaits in life. I want to face them all with you. So please, accept this ring as a token of our love and then marry me. Because I love you, Natsu Dragneel."

Natsu was speechless. He couldn't believe it. Tears fell from his eyes, but not because he was sad, it was tears of joy. He threw away the roses and hugged Gray, who was still on the floor.

"Yes, yes, yes, of course Gray, of course I want to marry you." Natsu whispered, tears covering his face. "I want to face my adventures with you, and I want to be by your side forever. I love you so much."

Gray was so much more than happy with the answer.

He got out of Natsu's arms and took the ring out of the jewelry box and put it on Natsu's finger.

Gray stood up and offered Natsu his hand. Natsu took it and got up as well, and Gray kissed him passionately.

When they pulled away, they looked at each other and smiled.

"Guess who's taking their boyfriend out for dinner tonight to celebrate."

"Fiancé," Natsu corrected, "I'm your fiancé now."

"That's right. My fiancé."


In these coming years

Many things will change

But the way I feel

Will remain the same~

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